Erhai Zhao
- Professor
Contact Info

- Name
- Erhai Zhao
- Job Title
- Professor
- Website
- Phone Number
- Office Number
- Planetary Hall, Room 207, MSN 3F3
- Physics & Astronomy Department (Instructional Faculty)
- Physics & Astronomy Department (Faculty)
I am a theorist interested in quantum many-body physics. My main focus has been in the field of ultracold quantum gases of interacting atoms or molecules. Earlier, I also worked on quantum fluids, superconductivity, and strongly correlated quantum materials.
Current Research
Numerical approach to strongly interacting spins and fermions. Working with postdocs and students, I have been building and testing novel numerical algorithms to describe interacting quantum systems. For interacting Fermi gases and quantum spin models, we pursue massive parallelization of functional renormalization group (FRG). FRG treats all competing orders in interacting quantum systems on equal footing, making it possible to reliably predict the phase diagram. For quantum spin models, we use two complementary ansatz where the many-body wavefunction is represented by tensor networks or neural networks. The main goal is to find the ground state and extract the order (or the lack thereof) from an unbiased variational approach.
Entanglement and dynamics of open quantum systems. I am also interested in the topological properties of quantum dynamics, for example the time evolution following a quantum quench (a sudden change in the Hamiltonian) and periodically driven quantum systems (known as Floquet systems). A closely related subject is open quantum systems described by non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. For example, we were able to establish some rigorous relations for links, knots, and various incarnations of monopoles hidden in quantum dynamics.
Teaching Focus
- Quantum Mechanics I (PHYS 784)
- Thermal Physics (Phys 307)
Selected Publications
- Unravelling the edge spectra of non-Hermitian Chern insulators,
James Bartlett, Erhai Zhao,
Phys. Rev. B 107, 035101 (2023).
- Dynamical signatures of point-gap Weyl semimetal,
Haiping Hu, Erhai Zhao, W. Vincent Liu,
Phys. Rev. B. 106, 094305 (2022). - Rise and fall of plaquette order in the Shastry-Sutherland magnet revealed by pseudofermion functional renormalization group,
Ahmet Keleş, Erhai Zhao,
Phys. Rev. B 105, L041115 (2022). - Learning a compass spin model with neural network quantum states,
Eric Zou, Erik Long, Erhai Zhao,
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 34, 125802 (2022).
Contact Info

- Name
- Erhai Zhao
- Job Title
- Professor
- Website
- Phone Number
- Office Number
- Planetary Hall, Room 207, MSN 3F3