Main navigation
Section Navigation: Academics
- Why Science at Mason?
- Undergraduate Majors
- Undergraduate Minors
- Graduate Programs
- Transfer Programs
- Special Study Options
- Advising & Student Support
- Departments & Units
- Atmospheric, Oceanic & Earth Sciences
- Biology Department
- Biomedical Sciences Program (GeorgeSquared)
- Chemistry and Biochemistry Department
- Computational and Data Sciences Department
- Environmental Science and Policy Department
- Forensic Science Program
- Geography & Geoinformation Science
- Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience
- Mathematical Sciences Department
- Physics and Astronomy Department
- School of Systems Biology
- Course Syllabi
Main navigation
Section Navigation: Departments & Units
- Atmospheric, Oceanic & Earth Sciences
- Biology Department
- Biomedical Sciences Program (GeorgeSquared)
- Chemistry and Biochemistry Department
- Computational and Data Sciences Department
- Environmental Science and Policy Department
- Forensic Science Program
- Geography & Geoinformation Science
- Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience
- Mathematical Sciences Department
- Physics and Astronomy Department
- School of Systems Biology
- Course Syllabi
Explore the 12 Mason Science departments and units that span the sciences.* Take a look at our majors, minors and graduate programs.

Atmospheric, Oceanic & Earth Sciences


GeorgeSquared Advanced Biomedical Sciences Program

Chemistry and Biochemistry

Computational and Data Sciences

Environmental Science and Policy

Forensic Science Program

Geography and Geoinformation Science

Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience

Mathematical Sciences

Physics and Astronomy

School of Systems Biology