Jane Flinn
- Associate Professor
Contact Info

- Name
- Prof. Jane Flinn
- Job Title
- Associate Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Number
- David King Hall 2022
- Neuroscience Program (Research Faculty)
- Neuroscience Program (Instructional Faculty)
Other Affiliations
- Psychology Department
- Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience
- Institute for Biohealth Innovation
- Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study
Research Areas
- Neuroscience
George Washington University Ph.D. Psychology 1974
Catholic University of America Ph.D. Physics 1969
University of California at Los Angeles M.Sc. Physics 1962
Oxford University B.A.Physics 1960
Dr. Flinn’s research focuses on the role of metals in both behavior and physiology. Her research has emphasized the roles of zinc, copper and iron in learning and memory and also in macular degeneration. Her research currently focuses on two specific aspects of metals in behavior, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). Her lab is developing genetically modified mice which model late onset Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of the disease and mice which contain both human amyloid and human tau. In Alzheimer’s mice, increased zinc causes an impairment in memory, which may be due to decreased copper. Current studies are examining memory, affiliative behaviors, circadian rhythms, and the role of inflammation and zinc transporters in AD mice. The work on extinction has shown that increased levels of zinc, which may act through reducing copper levels, lead to an inability to extinguish a learned fear normally, a possible factor in PTSD.
Dr. Flinn was the chair of the Department of Psychology from 1984 to 1995. During her tenure, the department was ranked as one of the most improved programs by the National Chronicle of Higher Education. After stepping down as chair, she became the coordinator of the Biopsychology concentration and developed the PhD concentration in Biopsychology (now Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience (CBN)). In 2006, she took over the newly approved undergraduate BS in Neuroscience. The first students graduated in 2009, and there are now over 200 students in the program. Dr Flinn has received the David King Teaching Award and the University Mentoring Award.
Teaching Focus
Courses Taught
PSYC 376 Brain and Behavior
PSYC 461 The Brain in Books and Film
PSYC 472 Biological bases of Alzheimer’s Disease
PSYC 558 Neuronal Bases of Learning and Memory
Selected Publications
Lippi, S.L,P., Smith, M.M., Flinn J.M.(2018). A novel hAPP/htau mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease: Inclusion of APP with tau exacerbates behavioral deficits and zinc administration heightens tangle pathology. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, in press.
Craven, K.M., W.R., Hernandez C.M., Flinn, J.M. (2018). Zinc Exacerbates Tau Pathology in a Tau Mouse Model. J. Alz.Dis.4(2):617-630.
Neely, C., Lane, C., Torres, J., Flinn, J. (2018). The effect of gentle handling on depressive-like behavior in adult male mice: Considerations for human and rodent interactions in the laboratory. Behav. Neurol. Mar 6;2018:2976014.
Tripona, R.G. , Judit Oláh, J., Nasira, T. , Csincsika,L. , Lok Li, C. , Szunyogh, S., Gonge, H., Flinn, J.M., Ovádic, J., Imre Lengyel, I. (2018) Localization of the Zinc Binding Tubulin Polymerization Promoting Protein in the Mice and Human Eye. J. Trace Elem. Med. and Bio. Available on line Dec 2017.
Boggs K.N., Kakalec, P.A., Smith, M.L., Howell, S.N., Flinn, J.M. (2017). Circadian wheel running behavior is altered in an APP/E4 mouse model of late onset Alzheimer's disease. Physiol. and Behav. 182, 137-142.
Flinn J.M (2016). Amazing Papers in Neuroscience Both Genetic and Environmental Changes Can Enhance Learning and Memory. J.U.N.E. 15(1): R14-16.
Thompson, R.B., Reffatto,V., Bundy, J.G., Flinn, J.M., Lanzirotti, A., Jones, A.E., McPhailg, D.S., Fearn, S., Boldtd, K.,Ueffingd, M., Ratub, S.S., Pauleikhoff, L., Bird, A.C., Lengyel, I. (2015) Identification of hydroxyapatite spherules provides new insight into sub-retinal pigment epithelial deposit formation in the aging eye. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A. 112(5):1565 – 70.
Maguire L., Wanschura P.B., Battaglia M.M., Howell, S.N., Flinn, J.M. (2014). Participation In Active Singing Over A 4-Month Period Leads To Cognitive Improvements In A Group of Patients with Dementia. J. Am. Geriatr. Soc. 63(4):815-6.
Flinn, J.M., Bozzelli, P.L., Adlard, P.A., Railey, A.M. (2014). Spatial memory deficits in a mouse model of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease are caused by zinc supplementation and correlate with amyloid-beta levels. Frontiers in Aging. 2014, Oct 22; 6:74.
Graybeal, J.J., Bozzelli, P.L., Graybeal, L.G., McKnight, P.E., Cox, D.N., (2014) Flinn, J.M. Human ApoE ε4 alters circadian rhythm activity, IL-1β and GFAP in CRND8 mice. J. Alzheimers Dis. 2015; 43(3):823-34.
Davidson, D., Chrosniak, L D., Wanschura, P. B Flinn, J.M. (2014) Indications of Reduced Prefrontal Cortical Function in Chronically Homeless Adults. J. Comm. Ment. Hlth. 50:548-552.
Flinn, J.M., Kakalec, P., Tappero, R., Jones, B.J., Lengyel, L. (2014) Correlations in distribution and concentration of calcium, copper and iron with zinc in isolated extracellular deposits associated with age-related macular degeneration. Metallomics. 6 (7): 1223-1228.
Railey, A.M., Groeber, C.M., Flinn, J.M. (2011) The Effect of Metals on Spatial Memory in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease. J. Alzheimer’s Dis. 24(2) 375-381
Railey, A.M., Micheli, T.L.,Wanschura, P.B., Flinn, J.M. (2010). Alterations in fear response and spatial memory in pre- and post- natal zinc supplemented rats: remediation by copper. Physiology and Behavior. 100(2):95-100.
Linkous, D. H.. Adlard P.A., Wanschura P.B., Conko K.M. and Flinn J.M. (2009).The effects of enhanced zinc on spatial memory and plaque formation in transgenic mice. J, Alzheimer’s Disease. 18(3) 541-551.
Linkous, D.H., Flinn, J.M., Koh, J.Y., Lanzirotti, A., Bertsch, P., Jones, B.F., Fredrickson, C.J. (2008). Evidence that the ZNT-3 protein controls the total amount of elemental zinc in synaptic vesicles. J. Histochem. and Cytochem. 56(1):3-6.
Graybeal, J.J., Bozzelli, P.L., Graybeal, L.G., McKnight, P.E., Cox, D.N., Flinn, J.M. Human ApoE ε4 alters circadian rhythm activity, IL-1β and GFAP in CRND8 mice. In press, J . Alz Dis.
Flinn, J.M., Bozzelli, P.L., Adlard, P.A., Railey, A.M. Spatial memory deficits in a mouse model of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease are caused by zinc supplementation and correlate with amyloid-beta levels. In press, Frontiers in Aging.
Participation In Active Singing Over A 4-Month Period Leads To Cognitive Improvements In A Group Of Patients With Dementia. Maguire L., Wanschura P.B., Battaglia M.M., Howell .SN., Flinn J.M. Accepted in J.Am. Gerontol Soc.
Davidson, D., Chrosniak, L D., Wanschura, P. B Flinn, J.M. (2014) Indications of Reduced Prefrontal Cortical Function in Chronically Homeless Adults. Journal of Community and Mental Health. 50:548-552
Flinn, J.M., Kakalec, P., Tappero, R., Jones, B.J., Lengyel, L. (2014) Correlations in distribution and concentration of calcium, copper and iron with zinc in isolated extracellular deposits associated with age-related macular degeneration. Cover article, Metallomics. 6 (7): 1223-1228.
David J. King Teaching Award 2016
University Undergraduate Mentoring Award 2015
Distinguished Faculty Award, George Mason University 1990, 1983
English-Speaking Union Fellow, University of California 1960-1962
City of Birmingham Scholarship 1957-1960
Contact Info

- Name
- Prof. Jane Flinn
- Job Title
- Associate Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Number
- David King Hall 2022