Register to participate Mason Lobbies is an event on February 12 where Mason students go to Richmond to advocate for our priorities to the legislature – number one being funding for student support and programs. For this, we need student volunteers. There will be signed excused absences for classes, and
Philip Orton, Stevens Institute of Technology Why do tropical cyclone disasters surprise us in the mid-latitudes? Insights from probabilistic and dynamical flood modeling Wed, 12 Feb, 1:30pm Innovation 134 and via Zoom (for link, email ) Host: Luis Ortiz A fundamental challenge with mid-latitude coastal storm hazard assessment is
IPN Faculty Search Candidate Professor Patricia Sinclair will present her lecture "The Long and Short of Synaptic Plasticity". Students and faculty are invited to attend and provide feedback after the session to the IPN Search Committee.
Mason Neuroscience invites Mason students, staff and faculty to attend Prof. Anseloni's lecture on the Sensory System and to provide feedback after the session.
Join the open house event to gain insights into the Biology Research Semester Program. This program helps undergraduate students dive into the world of scientific research, offering hands-on learning opportunities alongside research teams and multi-disciplinary partners. Register Here-
Molly Patterson, Binghamton University Catchment Sensitivities of the West and East Antarctic Ice Sheets to Orbital Forcing During the Mid- to Late Pliocene Thu, 20 Feb, 4:30pm Exploratory 1309 and via Zoom (for link, email ) Host: Brittany Hupp
Mason Neuroscience invites Mason students, staff and faculty to attend Prof. Mamat's lecture on Dependent Plasticity and to provide feedback to the IPN Search Committee after the session.
Julie Rozenberg, World Bank Modeling climate resilience in infrastructure systems Wed, 26 Feb, 1:30pm Innovation 134 and via Zoom (for link, email ) Host: Edward Oughton & Luis Ortiz This talk will give an overview of several papers and a book that lay out a framework for understanding infrastructure
Plan today for the jobs of tomorrow! Join Career Pathways Director Kerin Hilker-Balkissoon for a virtual seminar series tailored to the unique needs of our STEM student community. Seminars are held on selected Thursdays from 4:00 to 4:45 pm.