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How did you hear about ASSIP?
Enter the given name you wish to be called, then your family/last name. Please capitalize both names. We use this entry exactly as you enter it for certificates, publicity, etc.
T-shirt size (in men's sizes) for ASSIP interns
Your mailing address-Country
Your mailing address-State or Province
What will be your education level for the 2025 fall semester?
I am eligible for free/reduced lunch or Pell Grant Aid:
Please select your citizenship status:
Are you an Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program Alum?:
High School State
County (NOT Country) for your high school (If not in Northern Virginia, DC, or Southern Maryland, scroll to the "Other" choice to type in your county):
High School name (If not in Northern Virginia, DC, or Southern Maryland, scroll to the "Other" choice to type in your high school) ::
I participate/participated in a Governor's School or Scientific Academy in high school:
If you attend(ed) a high school with a specific STEM focus (Governors' School, STEM academy, etc), select the school from the pull-down menu or choose "Other" to provide the full name:
Current Undergraduate Institution (leave blank if you are currently in high school)
Undergraduate Institution State: (leave blank if you are in high school)
Please use standard names, not names that only people in your institution would understand (Not CHEM 105, but Intro to Chem for Majors, for example).
We anticipate running a second summer of a pilot "ASSIP for course credit" option in 2025. If you are selected for an ASSIP internship, would be you interested in participating in ASSIP for 3 college credits, for a discounted Mason in-state tuition rate?
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