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Announcement of the 2016 ESP undergraduate and graduate student award winners

Congratulations to all of our undergraduate and graduate student award winners!  All prize winners and students with honorable mentions will receive a certificate and an invitation to the joint awards brunch sponsored by the departments of Environmental Science and Policy and Biology on May 11, 2016.

UNDERGRADUATES (by BS degree concentration)

Hannah Miller & Lenore Pedicord

Climate Change
Chelsi Strange

Ecological Science
Kelly Floro
Honorable mentions
Sarah Brown & Shanna Rock

Environmental Health
Christine Figan
Honorable mention
Chase Altizer

Marine, Freshwater & Estuarine Ecology
Katie Saalbach
Honorable mention
Shannon Murphy Pace


Best PhD Dissertation
Melissa Hawkins* & Jason O’Bryhim

Best MS Thesis
William Norfolk

Teaching awards
Jennifer Lewis, Amanda Sills, Katheryn Patterson

Conservation/Environmental Impact Award
Ashley Sitar

*Addendum: An earlier version of this post listed the Best PhD Dissertation winners as Monica Hawkins and Jason O’Bryhim, instead of Melissa Hawkins and Jason O’Bryhim.