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Apply Now: Applications for Teaching Assistantships for 2019-2020 are due soon


GTA Applications for 2019-20 were due on March 8, 2019.  See the Graduate Student Funding page for more information.

Please send in your application to the department(s) that you would like to teach in (so either or both the ESP and BIOLOGY departments). Please attach a current resume and a copy of your transcripts to your application.

Graduate teaching assistants support the department by engaging in activities related to teaching. These activities include: teaching sections of courses or labs, supporting instructors teaching large sections, tutoring, and advising. Teaching assistantship awards may or may not come with a tuition waiver. The ESP and Biology departments offer a limited number of teaching assistantship opportunities to qualified students each year. All teaching assistants are evaluated from year to year; renewal is not an automatic process.

Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) will be selected based on qualifications in the subject matter and teaching experience. GTA appointments will be made after review by the ESP Graduate Executive Committee, a faculty member coordinating the course in question, the Chair/Director of the appropriate undergraduate or graduate program, and Chair of the Department.

GTAs generally teach laboratory sections in undergraduate courses. Examples of courses are Introductory Biology for Non-majors, Environmental Biology, Introduction to Environmental Science, Biological Diversity and Ecosystems, Microbiology, Environmental Policy Making in Developing Countries, Biostatistics, Human Anatomy & Physiology, Cell Biology, Genetics, and Biodiversity, & Evolutionary Ecology.