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Biology Spring 2016 Seminar Schedule

All seminars will take place on Tuesdays, 3:00-4:15pm, in Innovation Hall Room 131. Room changes (if any) will be indicated.

Abstracts, if made available by the speaker, will be posted below. Click on the seminar title to download. Links to seminar videos (if available) will be posted after the titles.

Date:  January 19
Topic: Introduction

Date:  January 26
Location:  Johnson Center Meeting Room E
Speaker:  Caleb McKinney, National Institutes of Health
Cancelled due to school closure – see rescheduled date March 15

Date:  February 2
Location:  Johnson Center Meeting Room E
Speaker:  Nadine Kabani, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, GMU
Topic: “Nicotinic receptor signaling in the developing and regenerating nervous system”
View Video

Date:  February 9
Location:  Innovation Hall 334
Speaker:  Leslie Ries, Georgetown University
Topic: “Big Science for Little Insects”
View Video

Date:  February 16
Location:  Innovation Hall 334
Speaker:  Sridhar Hannenhalli, University of Maryland , College Park
Cancelled due to school closure – see rescheduled date March 15

Date:  February 23
Location:  Innovation Hall 334
Speaker:  Carlos Machado, University of Maryland, College Park
Topic: “Genomics of species divergence at different time scales”

Date:  March 1
Location:  Innovation Hall 334
Speaker:  Aarthi Narayanan, National Center for Biodefense and Infectious Diseases, GMU
Topic: “Host-Pathogen interactions between encephalitic viruses and their human host”
View Video

Date:  March 15
Location:  Innovation Hall 334
Speaker:  Caleb McKinney, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH
Topic: “Using a quasivirus-based Human Papillomavirus genome delivery system to study the modulation of early stage infectivity by host factors”
Rescheduled from January 26
View Video

Date:  March 22
Location:  Innovation Hall 334
Speaker:  Christopher Salice, Towson University
Topic: “Climbing the slippery slope: predictive ecotoxicology in the age of the anthropocene”
View Video

Date:  March 29
Location:  Innovation Hall 334
Speaker:  Monique van Hoek, National Center for Biodefense and Infectious Diseases, GMU
Topic: “Cranberry extracts have anti-biofilm properties against Pseudomonas aeruginosa”
View Video

Date:  April 5
Location:  Innovation Hall 334
Speaker:  Maria Lopez-Ocasio, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, NIH
Topic: “T Follicular Regulatory (TFR) Cells Suppress Germinal Center (GC) B Cell Differentiation By Targeting TF Helper (TFH) Cells”

Date:  April 12
Location:  Innovation Hall 334
Speaker:  Sean McMahon, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Topic: “The implications of hidden seasons for global forest dynamics”

Date:  April 19
Location:  Innovation Hall 334
Speaker:  Kristen Bransen, Janelia Farm

Date:  April 26
Location:  Innovation Hall 334
Speaker:  Sridhar Hannenhalli, University of Maryland , College Park
Topic: “Understanding Genotype-Phenotype Associations via Transcriptional Regulation”
Rescheduled from February 16

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