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Atmospheric science

Dirmeyer examining integrated surface physics for coupled hydrometeorology in the UFS For S2S prediction

Paul Dirmeyer, Professor, Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences (AOES),received funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for the project:"Integrated surface physics for coupled hydrometeorology in the UFS for S2S prediction.

Via this project, Dirmeyer and his collaborators will extend a high-resolution land-hydrology modeling system to the global domain, connect this with the emerging NOAA/NCEP Unified Forecast System (UFS), and assess the impact of this land-hydrology system in 1-day to 4-weeks and longer predictions, which will ultimately include other Earth system components (ocean, sea-ice, etc.).

The proposed work represents a significant improvement in land surface model sophistication, land surface hydrology representation, and the representation of terrestrial processes interacting with the atmosphere, all aimed toward improved operational forecast skill and model fidelity on a spectrum of time scales.

Dirmeyer received $450,000 from NOAA for this project. Funding began in Aug. 2022 and will end in late July 2025.

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