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Former ESP guest scholar wins 2016 Oran R. Young Prize

Congratulations to Robert Ochieng, on winning the 2016 Oran R. Young prize for the best early-career paper of the 2016 Nairobi Conference – Does discourse matter in institutionalization? the case of REDD+ MRV in Indonesia, Peru and Tanzania.

For a list of previous winners since the inception of this prize, please visit:

Robert M. Ochieng is a PhD Candidate at Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands, and a student of ESP associate professor Ingrid Visseren-Hamakers. He recently visited the ESP department during the fall semester of 2016 during which he presented a seminar entitled, “Global ideas and discourses on REDD+ MRV and national institutions: Institutional effectiveness, Institutionalization and discursive politics.” His research focuses on climatic change, environmental management and policy, and forest management, economics and products.