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Hilarious photo of ESP students in the field wins special “One of a Kind” award in photo contest

Composite photo/graphic credit: Dilaun Terry

From ESP Ph.D. student and graduate teaching assistant Nick Walker:

“I thought you all would like to see this — this picture was originally taken on April 7th of this year (2017), when I took some of the EVPP 110 students to Huntley Meadows Park as part of an extra credit field trip. While walking around on the boardwalk we encountered GMU photographer Dilaun Terry, who asked us if we could help her with an idea she had for a photography contest.

The students and I consented to being photographed, Dilaun then spent over 40 hours creating a painting of a muskrat, so it looks like a wildlife’s eye view of nature photography. The result is that last weekend our picture won an award for being “One-of-a-Kind” at the annual Huntley Meadows Park Photography Contest!”

And from the artist’s Facebook page:

In these crazy and stressful times, maybe it’s time to laugh, take a rest, appreciate, and re-orient ourselves. That was the intent of this image; submitted to the Friends of Huntley Meadows photo contest this year (through February 28 2018 – Norma Hoffman center, Huntley Meadows Park).

“One of a Kind” award

“One of a Kind” award
“One of a Kind” award

Please visit Nick Walker’s blog on his research for more information, including the artist’s own words and many more pictures: