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Math Major Meg Craig attends Oxford Semester Program

By: Keosha Quigley

“Women can do anything if they put their minds to it,” mathematical sciences major Megan Craig asserts, a pi pendant dangling from her silver necklace.

Craig first noticed her knack for math in the fifth grade. While in class, her teacher asked her to use the board to explain her solution to a problem. Craig was summoned because she used a method her teacher had not.

After that experience, Craig realized her skill and desire to help others through education. Several years later, she joined George Mason University’s class of 2017 and began courses in the College of Science.

“I was originally an astronomy major, but I struggled with physics,” says Craig, whose ease with calculus recalled her childhood aspiration. She decided to pursue being a math teacher.

Craig switched her major to math and started taking courses that excited and challenged her. She color-coded notes and did not hesitate to ask questions in class. Craig soon found herself on Mason’s Dean’s List.

Oxford Bound

In fall 2015, while reading through her emails, she saw a message telling her she qualified for the Center for Global Education’s Oxford Semester program, Mason’s most prestigious study abroad opportunity.

Each fall and spring semester, a select group of undergraduate and graduate students attend CGE’s partnership program on Oxford University’s venerable campus. Participants take courses based on their majors and concentrations, while joining their professors for weekly one-on-one discussions about their coursework and essays. These discussions, called tutorials, are a distinct part of Oxford’s learning system.

Craig initially worried about her tutorials because it’s rare for students to take math and language courses concurrently.
“I was worried that it wasn’t the right decision,” says Craig, who is also a Japanese minor.

Craig overcame her initial apprehension and left for Oxford in the spring of 2016.

Peers and Persistence

During her time at Oxford, she found motivation in her new global community as she supplemented her academic rigor with campus explorations and weekend excursions. Study groups with friends and dinners in Christ Church College (one of Oxford’s 38 colleges) provided comfort throughout the experience.

“I was always able to talk to someone if I was struggling,” says Craig, “I had some friends from back [home] that I would chat with on Skype, so that helped me keep my sanity.”

At the time, Craig was one of two Mason math majors in the Oxford program. She couldn’t reach out to her classmates for help as readily as she had at Mason.

“It helped me realize that I need to go to office hours a lot more,” Craig says, optimistically. “If the concept is really complicated, the teacher will be able to rearrange the definition so that I can understand it better.”

In her Japanese class, Craig’s instructor recommended she attend some of the Japanese Student Association’s events. During the semester, Craig attended two of the events and extended her cultural knowledge.

“They would pick a random topic that has to do with Japan [and] an expert in the field would come explain it,” says Craig, who hopes to partake in the Japanese Exchange and Teaching Program (JET) after graduating from Mason.

Tying it all Together

When the semester ended, Craig wasn’t only left with memories, she has finished assignments that reflect the program’s rigor and display her ability. Craig says the program fostered independence and improved her studies.

“Now I say, ‘If I can survive doing those courses, why can’t I do the same for whatever’s ahead of me?’” she says.

The Oxford Semester Program gave Craig challenges that ultimately helped her find her inner strength. In the male-dominated mathematics world, it’s important for women to focus on empowerment, a motivating force for Craig.

“I really like stories when there’s a girl that’s strong, but she has her moments when she does need to rely on other people,” says Craig. “Despite there being odds against [her], it all comes out good in the end.”

After completing her Mason degree, Craig hopes to use her mathematical knowledge and Japanese background to help the world.

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