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Mathematics Colloquium: On the Rigorous Evaluation of Stochastic Approaches to Power Systems Operations

Speaker: Jean-Paul Watson, Sandia National Laboratories

Title: On the Rigorous Evaluation of Stochastic Approaches to Power Systems Operations

Abstract: While there is significant recent research on stochastic optimization approaches to power systems operations, e.g., unit commitment and economic dispatch, there are still major impediments to their adoption in practice. In our experience, developed over years of attempting to deploy such approaches, one key issue is accurate evaluation of any proposed approach, relative to existing deterministic operational methodologies. In this talk, we discuss the challenges in such evaluation, and report on a novel methodology addressing what we feel to be deficiencies with current approaches. In the talk, we focus on issues relating to data availability and segmentation, probabilistic scenario generation, and the impact of probabilistic scenarios on operational performance.

Time: Friday, April 5, 2019, 10:50-11:50 a.m.

Place: Johnson Center, Room 334 (Meeting Room E) and Room 336 (Meeting Room F)

Coffee will be served at 10:20 a.m.