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Speak Up For Blue podcasts features Dr. Chris Parsons

Speak Up For Blue is an online platform for marine science and conservation awareness that publishes 3 podcasts weekly.  Recently, ESP associate professor Chris Parsons has been featured in two of SUFB’s April podcasts.

The podcast entitled “Marching for Science: What’s Next with Dr. Chris Parsons” on April 26, 2017 discusses the March for Science, with Dr. Chris Parsons as a special guest to share his first-hand account of his experience marching in Washington, DC, and his views on moving forward.

The podcast entitled “Advocacy vs Activism: Are They Bad Words?” on April 17, 2017 discussed an article that was published in Frontiers in Marine Science – “Advocacy” and “Activism” Are Not Dirty Words–How Activists Can Better Help Conservation Scientists” – written by Dr. Chris Parsons.

Listen to the podcasts:

Read Dr. Parson’s article: