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Upcoming event on the Potomac River featuring Dr. Chris Jones – March 18, 2018
The Potomac, sometimes called the Nation’s River, plays an essential role in the identity, history, and life of the Washington metropolitan area.
Spend a day with a variety of experts examining the Potomac’s rich legacy, geology, and wildlife, following its course through hundreds of years of history from the region’s early inhabitants to the latest in conservation technology.
ESP professor and PEREC director R. Chris Jones will be presenting during the Biodiversity time slot.
Register here:
During lunch and after the seminar, participants can browse information from local groups working to promote conservation, recreation, education, and safety on the river, and learn how they can become involved. All registrants receive a signed copy of Garrett Peck’s book The Potomac River: A History and Guide.
10 a.m. History
Garrett Peck, local historian and author
11 a.m. Geology
Callan Bentley, science educator
12 p.m. Lunch (participants provide their own)
1 p.m. Biodiversity
Claire Buchanan, Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin, and Chris Jones, Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center
2 p.m. The Future
Carlton Ray, Clean Rivers Project, D.C. Water