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Welcome Back Biology! A Note from our Chair, Dr. Geraldine Grant

An image with text, a quote from Dr. Grant welcoming back students and faculty


Welcome to Biology to our freshman, transfers, and new faculty/staff, and welcome back returning students and faculty/staff! Whether you are returning or joining us for the first time, I’m delighted to kick off another exciting academic year with you.


As you embark on this journey, I want to share a few key pieces of advice to help you make the most of your time here:


  • Talk to Your Advisor: Your academic advisor is your go-to resource for navigating your studies. Don’t hesitate to reach out and discuss your academic plans, course selections, and any concerns you may have. You can make appointments here: NavigateMason
  • Connect with Your Professors: Make it a point to talk to your professor in each class. Establishing a relationship early on can make a big difference in your academic experience.
  • Plan Your Study Time: A general rule for success is to dedicate three hours of study time for each hour you spend in class. Start planning now to ensure you manage your time effectively. If you’re unsure how to structure your study time, tools and support are available at Learning Services. You can even take a class through University life to help you build those skills
  • Seek Help Immediately: If you find yourself struggling, seek help right away. Whether it’s academic, personal, or related to time management, there are so many resources and people at Mason ready to assist you. Check out some of those resources here.
  • Attend Office Hours: Take advantage of your professor’s office hours to ask questions, clarify doubts, and engage in deeper discussions with your professors. This can be a valuable resource for your learning. Not sure where office hours are? Double-check the syllabus!
  • Get Involved On-Campus, especially in Research: I encourage you to explore the variety of clubs around campus to meet other students. I would also highly recommend research opportunities within our department. Engaging in research can enrich your academic experience and provide valuable hands-on learning. Check out the Research Semester webpage for a list of mentors and ongoing projects in Biology, or reach out to OSCAR for opportunities to learn invaluable research skills. 


Remember, we are all here to support you in your academic and professional growth. I look forward to seeing the amazing things you will accomplish this year.


Here’s to a successful and fulfilling year ahead!


Warm regards,


Dr. Geraldine Grant

Chair, Department of Biology