John Cressman
- Associate Professor
Contact Info

- Name
- Dr. John Cressman
- Job Title
- Associate Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Number
- Krasnow, Room 110, MSN 2A1
- Physics & Astronomy Department (Instructional Faculty)
- Physics & Astronomy Department (Faculty)
- Neuroscience Program (Faculty)
Welcome. I am a physics professor working at the Krasnow Institute for advanced study at George Mason University. This webpage is designed to provide information for students in my classes as well anyone interested in learning about our research. Briefly, we perform numerical and experimental studies focused on both the physics of neuronal behavior as well as the physics of simple non-equilibrium systems. I hope you find this site useful and informative. Please feel free to contact me or my students if you have any questions or comments.
Current Research
My research has focused on investigating dynamical structures in driven systems with a specific interest in their role in the functions of the brain. Transient but long-lived correlated dynamics underlie innumerable biological processes, from the lifecycle of an organism to conscious thought and social behavior. Transient dynamical structures are also the hallmark of a number of natural phenomena including tornados, hurricanes, gyres, and von Karman vortex streets, simple fluid systems that can support coherent structures.
Selected Publications
- J. Owen*, E. Barreto, and J.R. Cressman, “Controlling Seizure-Like Events by Perturbing Ion Concentration Dynamics with Periodic Stimulation”, PLOS ONE, In Press. (2013)
- T. Berry, J.R. Cressman, Z. Greguric-Ferencek*, and T. Sauer, “Time-Scale Separation from Diffusion-Mapped Delay Coordinates”, SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems, 12(2): 618–649, (2013), Citations: (0,0)
- J. Ziburkus, J. R. Cressman, E. Barreto, and S.J. Schiff, “Seizures As Imbalanced Up States: Excitatory And Inhibitory Conductances During Seizure-Like Events”, Journal of Neurophysiology, 109(5): 1296-1396, (2013), Citations: (0,0)
- E. Barreto and J.R. Cressman, “Ion Concentration Dynamics as a Mechanism for Neuronal Bursting,” Journal of Biological Physics, 37(3): 361-373, (2011), Citations: (10,6)
- J.R. Cressman, E. Barreto, and S.J. Schiff, “The influence of sodium and potassium dynamics on excitability, seizures, and the stability of persistent states: I.Single Neuron Dynamics,” Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 26(2):159-170, (2009), Citations: (60, 31) ;Erratum, Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 30(3): 781, (2011), Citations: (3, 0)
- G. Ullah, J.R. Cressman, E. Barreto, and S.J. Schiff, “The influence of sodium and potassium dynamics on excitability, seizures, and the stability of persistent states: II. Network and glial dynamics,” Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 26(2):171-183, (2009), Citations: (41, 29)
- M. Bandi, J.R. Cressman, and W.I. Goldburg, “Test of the Fluctuation Relation in Lagrangian Turbulence on a Free Surface,” Journal of Statistical Physics, 130(1):27-38, (2008), Citations: (17, 10)
- J. Ziburkus, J. R. Cressman, E. Barreto, and S.J. Schiff. Interneuron and pyramidal cell interplay during in vitro seizure-like events. Journal of Neurophysiology, 95(6): 3948-3954, (2006), Citations: (75, 61)
- M. Bandi, W. I. Goldburg, J. R. Cressman, and A. Pumir, “Energy flux fluctuations in a finite volume of turbulent flow,” Physical Review E, 73(2):026308(1:5), (2006), Citations: (4,2)
- M. Bandi, W. I. Goldburg, J. R. Cressman and H. Kellay, “Where surface physics and fluid dynamics meet: rupture of an amphiphile layer by fluid flow,” Journal of Chemical Physics, 124:104701(1-5), (2006), Citations: (0,0)
Contact Info

- Name
- Dr. John Cressman
- Job Title
- Associate Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Number
- Krasnow, Room 110, MSN 2A1