Joey Kulenguski
Admission CTAs
Joey Kulenguski

What attracted you to do your degree at Mason?
I really liked the research that my advisor, Dr. Gilleaudeau, was working on. I wanted to study geochemistry and Dr. Gilleaudeau had a very interesting project idea that we came up with at my undergraduate Field Camp in Italy.
What have you been doing since you graduated from Mason? Where are you working now?
I worked as an instructor for a year post MS degree and then moved to Phoenix, AZ where I am now working on a PhD in Geological Sciences.
What were your favorite experiences while studying at Mason?
I loved my research. I got to work in Dr. Gilleaudeau's wet-lab where we prepared samples for analysis in various instruments. I prepared my samples, sedimentary marine limestones, for analysis in a mass spectrometer to examine their elemental concentrations and isotopic compositions to constrain their history.
Earth System Science MS (Geology)
Class: Spring 2021