Holly Norton
Admission CTAs
Holly Norton

What attracted you to do your degree at Mason?
The ability to pursue land-atmosphere interactions climate research.
What have you been doing since you graduated from Mason? Where are you working now?
I was a support scientist at NOAA/NCEP/EMC (IMSG) working in the Ensembles Team from 2018-2019, a postdoc at NASA GSFC (ESSIC) from 2019-2020, a Space Technology Support Scientist/Senior Data Scientist at NASA Research and Education Support Services (NRESS/SAIC) from 2020-2023, and now an Open Science Support Scientist at NASA HQ/SMD (Booz Allen Hamilton)
What were your favorite experiences while studying at Mason?
I appreciated the networking opportunities facilitated by my advisor, particularly with so many prospective employment opportunities in the area (NOAA, NASA). I built invaluable lifelong friendships and professional collaborations with colleagues during my time at GMU. I loved my land-atmosphere interactions class and appreciated the experience provided, especially noting that our work led to a publication.
Climate Dynamic PhD
Class: Spring 2022