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Environmental Educator part-time job
Join PEREC's Field Interpreter team to deliver award-winning Watershed Education Programs in local parks. Mason students will engage 7th graders in Chesapeake Bay related activities including collecting and identifying stream organisms, testing water quality-chemistry, assessing biodiversity, watershed and habitat characteristics at Burke Lake and Lake Accotink in Springfield.

Opportunities and Fellowships
IDIA 2022 Predoctoral Fellowships
Dear Patriots Letter: IDIA Predoctoral Fellowships
Dear Patriots,
With this Dear Patriots Letter (DPL), the Institute of Digital InnovAtion (IDIA) solicits applications for IDIA predoctoral fellows.
IDIA invites full-time Mason Ph.D. and M.S. students to apply for competitive IDIA predoctoral fellowships. An IDIA predoctoral fellowship includes GRA stipend, tuition, and healthcare.
Student applicants are encouraged to reach out to and form an interdisciplinary team of faculty mentors across the Mason ecosystem and propose an ambitious, interdisciplinary, convergent research agenda that aligns with IDIA’s mission of catalyzing cutting-edge computing research that shapes the future of our digital society and promotes equality, well-being, security, and prosperity. More information about IDIA can be found at
The application template can be found at: 2022 Fellowship Application
Applications that do not follow the above template will be returned without review.
Review Process
Applications will be reviewed by a team of interdisciplinary senior researchers and faculty, and awards will be made on a competitive basis. IDIA anticipates awarding up to five IDIA predoctoral fellowships based on the quality of the applications and availability of funds.
Program Structure
IDIA predoctoral fellows are expected to become an integral part of the IDIA community. As part of IDIA’s Predoctoral Fellow Program, fellows will:
- engage in community-building events with other IDIA fellows and faculty
- collaborate with other fellows to organize and support IDIA-sponsored events, such as seminars, panels, workshops, and tutorials
- engage with IDIA’s network of academic, government, think tank, and industry partners around digital innovation
An end-of-year ‘Come Meet our Fellows’ meeting that celebrates the achievements of our IDIA predoctoral fellows is anticipated, and awardees should make plans for a meaningful and active participation in this event.
Fellows will provide annual reports of their progress and accomplishments. Funding is expected to be renewed on an annual basis, contingent upon a favorable internal review of the annual report and availability of funds and will not exceed three years.
Submission Process
Applications should be compiled into a single pdf, named FirstName-LastName-IDIA-PD.pdf, where FirstName and LastName refer to the first and last names of the student applicant, and submitted via email to
The email subject should be: IDIA Predoctoral Fellowship Application: First-Name Last-Name
Important Dates
Applications should be submitted by the following deadline:
July 29, 2022, 11:59 PM EDT
Two office hours are planned to field questions by interested student applicants and potential faculty mentors. These will be held remotely, via zoom, on:
Thursday, June 30, 2022, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am EDT
Wednesday, July 6, 2022, from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm EDT
Amarda Shehu, Associate Vice President of Research, IDIA
Kammy Sanghera, Executive Director, IDIA
NIH Research Opportunities
Dr. Deborah Philp, who presented the first seminar of the Fall 2016 Seminar Series, has shared the following research opportunities available at the NIH and other health organizations. Her contact information is below – please reach out to her if you have any questions or concerns.
Deborah Philp, PhD
Training Director
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
Division of Intramural Research
Office of Education
Phone: 301-594-6578
- Training Programs Available for Dental and Medical Students at NIDCR
- Fellows Training Program
- NIDCR Public Health Residency Program
- NIDCR Summer Dental Student Award
- Medical Research Scholars Program
- NIH Graduate Partnership Program
- NIH Training Programs in Biomedical Research
- NIH Loan Repayment Program
- Physician Based Research Network
- Commissioned Corps
- AAAS Fellowship
- Indian Public Health Service Program
- American Dental Association Resources
- Pan American Health Organization
- American Dental Education Association
- NIDCR/NIH Grants and Funding
- NIH DIR Postdoctoral IRTA and Visiting Fellow Stipend Ranges (bench researchers)
- Assistant Clinical Investigator
Contacts for Training Grant Funding Through NIDCR
Leslie Frieden, PhD
Extramural Training Officer, NIDCR
Research Training and Career Development Branch
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Create an account with Handshake, Mason's source for jobs, internships, employment advice, and career fair details.

Changing the world one Patriot at a time.
Leading clinician, gun violence advocate for the medical profession, and assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University, learn about Dr. Joseph Sakran, '99 Biology, BS.