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Welcome to the Testing and Tutoring Center (TTC)

Testing center

Our mission is to provide a secure environment for testing involving primarily the use of technology to provide the material tested.

The center is composed of 48 computers. The conventional way of giving tests is to write one using Blackboard and to make it available to students using the "Respondus lockdown browser". Students only have access to the examination if they use the password given by Respondus. Occasionally, if an instructor requests, students are allowed given a paper examination, but arrangements with the testing center manager must be made several days prior to the need to give one.

The testing center is located in Planetary Hall room 2 and is open about 50 hours per week including some hours on Saturday and Sunday.

Using the Testing Center 

  • Send any requests for using the facility to the TTC Supervisor Mario Gliozzi
  • Schedule the test/quiz in TTC in consultation with TTC supervisor.

Who may use the testing center?

The center is primarily used by astronomy, biology, chemistry and physics students. It is also available to test students from other courses upon an arrangement in advance between the course instructor and the testing center manager.

How much does it cost?

The center is run collaboratively by the Departments of Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Physics and Astronomy. Faculty members from these three departments do not need to arrange to have any payment to the testing center. Members of other departments should arrange to have $15 per student for the semester transferred to the TTC account to use the testing center. Students from other universities wanting to use the facility will be charged $25/examination plus additional fees to cover wages for a monitor if requested when the testing center is closed.

Center hours

During the Fall semester 2024 the testing center is open six days a week starting on September 16. See the table below for hours. The last day for this semester will be December 18.

Monday thru Thursday: Noon to 7 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Saturday: Noon to 7 p.m.
Sunday: Closed

If in doubt, please call to make sure center is open: 703-993-4237. Please check back for updates in the Schedule as hours may change as monitors are hired and if monitors need to change their schedules.

Last Updated: September 2024

Testing center guidelines

Testing center rules and guidelines.

  • The testing center is located in Planetary Hall room 2.
  • Testing and tutoring take place in the center. Physics tutoring is in Planetary Hall room 2a; Chemistry room 19.
  • This room is for testing not socializing. Please find another room for that.
  • Follow the instructions of the monitor. On days when a class has a quiz or exam deadline, it may be necessary to ask students to sign a wait list and then exit the room and stay near just outside of S&T I room 2 until space is available.
  • No food or drinks allowed.
  • Only students taking a quiz or examination are allowed in the testing room.

Preparing to take a quiz or examination:

    When entering the room:

    • Place any belongings in a open cube against the wall.
    • Show your picture ID, GMU student ID or a driver's license to the monitor. The monitor will hold your ID until you have completed the quiz or exam.
    • You must also know the course and section you are enrolled in, this information can be found on your course schedule.
    • The monitor will assign you a seat once you are holding only
      • A pen/pencil and calculator. (specific instructions on calculator usage is on specifice course websites)
      • One sheet of blank scratch paper supplied by the center
    • Once at the computer
      • Sit down
      • Click on the appropriate icon, either for a chemistry or astronomy quiz/exam.
    • Take the quiz or exam, be aware that these are timed, the computer will end the quiz/exam after a set period of time or you may end the session if finished before the set time. Keep track of the time allotted.
    • No talking while taking the quiz. Cell phones should be turned off and left in your book bag.
    • To make calculations using the Windows calculator; a shortcut to it will be visible on the desktop. This calculator works very similarly to handheld calculators but it is advisable to become familiar with it prior to taking the quiz. It can be accessed on your own Windows based computer by clicking on start button on your desktop (usually located at the bottom left portion of your screen). Then select Programs on the popup menu and then Accessories on the next one. This brings up another popup menu. Select Calculator and start learning the calculator.

    Please note the following:

    1. It is advisable to know how to express numbers in scientific notation and do logs and antilogs with it in addition to the normal functions used.
    2. You can use copy and paste techniques to move the answer from the calculator to the answer box and thus eliminate the possibility of typing errors.

    If you solve a problem and it is marked wrong but you are reasonably certain that you have worked it correctly

    • For a Chemistry Quiz or Exam: Please request a "Request to Review a Problem" form from the monitor and fill it out. Make sure to copy the problem exactly as it is written and include the answer. Ask the monitor to witness it and give the sheet back to the tutor. The monitor will submit it to the Chemistry department for review. There are occasionally errors on problems, but not usually.

    * The programs and services offered by George Mason University are open to all who seek them. George Mason does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, ethnic national origin (including shared ancestry and/or ethnic characteristics), sex, disability, military status (including veteran status), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, pregnancy status, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law. After an initial review of its policies and practices, the university affirms its commitment to meet all federal mandates as articulated in federal law, as well as recent executive orders and federal agency directives.