Chemistry, MS
Admission CTAs
The program provides advanced training for recent college graduates, professionals in teaching, and technical workers in research organizations who have an interest in chemistry.

Program Highlights
- With a Thesis Option Master's in Chemistry, the serious student will perform original research and write an M.S. thesis under the direction of a faculty member. This option is for students planning to continue with a PhD, or to work in industry, academia, or a national laboratory.
- The Non-thesis Option is often used by those going on to a professional degree, or to teach chemistry at the secondary school level.
Course Catalog
Review admission and course requirements for this degree:
Concentration in Biochemistry
The Thesis Option is designed for students planning to pursue a doctoral degree or a career involving research in the chemical, biochemical, environmental, or pharmaceutical industries.
The Non Thesis Option is designed for those seeking to go on to professional school, teach chemistry in secondary schools, or pursue other careers in which advanced work in chemistry is necessary or advantageous. Students selecting this option are not required to complete a laboratory-based thesis. Instead, they must complete a research project or gain teaching experience in undergraduate chemistry labs, as described below.