Chaowei Yang
- Professor
Contact Info

- Name
- Dr. Chaowei Yang
- Job Title
- Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Number
- Exploratory Hall, Room 2211, MSN 6C3
- Geography & Geoinformation Science Department (Instructional Faculty)
Current Research
- NSF Spatiotemporal Innovation Center (A strategic investment from NSF I/UCRC that has attracted $15M+ research funding to Mason in collaboration with Harvard and UCSB/phaseI) builds the spatiotemporal infrastructure for addressing national and global challenges such as COVID-19 and Ukraine war.
- NSF on-demand Arctic high resolution image classification for climate studies and understanding the arctic climate change on lower continents.
- Spatiotemporal Computing Infrastructure, supported by NASA and 10+ agencies and companies, operates the largest computing infrastructure (600 computing nodes) dedicated to the geography domain nationally and internationally
Selected Publications
- Liu, Q., Harris, J.T., Chiu, L.S., Sun, D., Houser, P.R., Yu, M., Duffy, D.Q., Little, M.M. and Yang, C., 2021. Spatiotemporal impacts of COVID-19 on air pollution in California, USA. Science of the Total Environment, 750, p.141592.
- Yang, C., Clarke, K., Shekhar, S. and Tao, C.V., 2020. Big Spatiotemporal Data Analytics: A research and innovation frontier. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 34(6), pp.1075-1088. Liu, Q., Sha, D., Liu, W., Houser, P., Zhang, L., Hou, R., Lan, H., Flynn, C., Lu, M., Hu, T. and Yang, C., 2020. Spatiotemporal patterns of COVID-19 impact on human activities and environment in mainland China using nighttime light and air quality data. Remote Sensing, 12(10), p.1576.
- Yang, C., Sha, D., Liu, Q., Li, Y., Lan, H., Guan, W.W., Hu, T., Li, Z., Zhang, Z., Thompson, J.H. and Wang, Z., 2020. Taking the pulse of COVID-19: A spatiotemporal perspective. International journal of digital earth, 13(10), pp.1186-1211. (sets the foundation for spatiotemporal studies of COVID-19).
- Yang, C., Huang, Q., Li, Z., Liu, K. and Hu, F., 2017. Big Data and cloud computing: innovation opportunities and challenges. International Journal of Digital Earth, 10(1), pp.13-53. (the most cited and read paper of the International Journal of Digital Earth).
- Yang C., Wu H., Li Z., Huang Q., Li J., 2011, Utilizing Spatial Principles to Optimize Distributed Computing for Enabling Physical Science Discoveries, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 108(14): 5498-5503. (spatial computing definition paper captured by Nobel Intent Blog).
- Yang C., Goodchild M., Huang Q., Nebert D., Raskin R., Bambacus M., Xu Y., Fay D., 2011. Spatial Cloud Computing – How can geospatial sciences use and help to shape cloud computing, International Journal of Digital Earth. 4(4), 305-329. (sets the foundation for spatial cloud computing)
- Yang C., Wong D., Yang R., and Kafatos M., Li Q., 2005. Performance improving techniques in WebGIS, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 19(3): 319-342. (the research that sets performance foundation for online web mapping such as google map and virtual earth).
Contact Info

- Name
- Dr. Chaowei Yang
- Job Title
- Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Number
- Exploratory Hall, Room 2211, MSN 6C3