Dann Sklarew
- Professor
- Sustainability and Climate, Ecological Stewardship, Community Connector
Contact Info

- Name
- Dann M. Sklarew
- Job Title
- ProfessorSustainability and Climate, Ecological Stewardship, Community Connector
- Website
- Phone Number
- Office Number
- David King Hall, Room 3019, MSN 5F2
- Environmental Science & Policy Department (Research Faculty)
- Environmental Science & Policy Department (Instructional Faculty)
- Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center (PEREC)
- Environmental Science and Technology Center (ESTC)
Research Areas
- Aquatic Ecology
- Sustainability
- Applied Science
- Environmental Science and Policy
PhD, Environmental Biology and Public Policy, George Mason University (2000)
MA, Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston University (1993)
BA, Biological Basis of Behavior, University of Pennsylvania (1991)
Mason has recognized Dr. Sklarew's pedagogical leadership, curricular innovation and service with its prestigious Teaching Excellence Award, Mentoring Excellence Award, Career Connection Faculty of the Year Award and Jack Wood Award for Town Gown Relations. Students and university leaders have lauded his constructivist re-design of a graduate ecology course for classroom, distance education and hybrid formats as a model for other subjects. Dr. Sklarew created the Accelerated Master’s program for Environmental Science and Policy and an undergraduate major concentration for Business and Sustainability. He designed and delivers the undergraduate capstone “Sustainability in Action” (#evpp480) course around an action research core, enhanced by over 10,000 hours of service learning since 2011. His #ManagingOurPlanet graduate seminar series has incorporated monthly public panel discussions co-organized with the Woodrow Wilson International Center in Washington, DC.
While serving as an academic advisor for over 120 Environmental Science majors, Dr. Sklarew has chaired 24 graduate committees (20 graduated), served on 23 (18 graduated), and supervised 33 graduate and undergraduate studies and 1 graduate internship. Most advisees pursued degrees in Environmental Science and Policy, Sustainability Studies or Social Entrepreneurship.
Current Research
Dr. Sklarew's research focuses on learning to advance ecological stewardship, sustainability science, and sustainable development at campus, enterprise, municipal, regional, national and international scales. Dr. Sklarew has served as Principal Investigator for >$900 thousand in externally sponsored contracts and grants, co-PI for two inter-collegiate ($52,000) grants, and lead for >$50,000 in Mason-supported projects.
Teaching Focus
Course subjects: applied ecology, aquatic ecology, social entrepreneurship, business and sustainability, water resources management and human rights, Asian environment and development, plus seminars from “In Search of Symbiosis” to “Sustainability Science” to “Climate Action Plans and Energy Strategies.”
Selected Publications
- Sklarew, D. 2005. Promoting public participation in international waters management: An agenda for peer-to-peer learning. Chapter 6 in Enhancing Participation and Governance in Water Resources Management, pp. 98-119. United Nations University Press: Tokyo, Japan.
- Sklarew, D. and J. Sklarew. 2018. Integrated water-energy policy for sustainable development. Foresight and STI Governance 12(4): 10-19. URL: https://foresight-journal.hse.ru/en/2018-12-4/229685190.html
- Akerlof, K. et al. 2016. Risky business: engaging the public on sea level rise and inundation. Environmental Science and Policy 66:314-323. doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2016.07.002
- Jacobsen, K. et al. 2016. Lessons from the Ebola outbreak: action items for emerging infectious disease preparedness and response. EcoHealth 13:200-2012. doi: 10.1007/s10393-016-1100-5
- Sklarew, D. and A. Wingfield. 2014. Up the pyramid, around the loop – action research cultivates sustainability scholars to green the campus. CUR Quarterly 35(1): 5-10. (invited cover page article)
- URL: http://www.cur.org/download.aspx?id=3041
- Smith, A. and D. Sklarew. 2013. A mid-Atlantic brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) stream sustainability statistic for rating non-tidal streams. Sustainability of Water Quality and Ecology 2013: 68-81. (senior author) doi: 10.1016/j.swaqe.2013.08.001
- 2018 OSCAR Mentoring Excellence Award, Mason Impact Leadership Council, Mason
- 2018 Seeds of Change Outstanding Partnership Award for NoVA Outside Environmental Action Showcase (w/FCPS, PEREC and NoVA Outside), Social Action and Integrative Learning, Mason
- 2017 Career Connection Faculty of the Year Award (sole recipient), University Career Services, Mason
- 2017 Jack Wood Award for Town Gown Relations (sole faculty/staff recipient), Mason
Mason earns international gold status for sustainability report
George Mason University has achieved a gold rating in the international Sustainability, Tracking, Assessment and Rating System—STARS—with an aggregate score of 70.78 out of 100. It is the second time since 2014 Mason has earned a gold rating.

Contact Info

- Name
- Dann M. Sklarew
- Job Title
- ProfessorSustainability and Climate, Ecological Stewardship, Community Connector
- Website
- Phone Number
- Office Number
- David King Hall, Room 3019, MSN 5F2