Emily Rancourt
- Associate Professor
- Assistant Director of Forensic Science Program
Contact Info

- Name
- Prof. Emily Rancourt
- Job Title
- Associate ProfessorAssistant Director of Forensic Science Program
- Phone Number
- Office Number
- Exploratory Hall, Room 3406, MSN 6E2
- Forensic Science Program (Instructional Faculty)
Research Areas
- Forensic Science
Master of Forensic Science - Crime Scene Investigation Concentration, George Washington University
BA - Psychology, Purdue University
Professor Rancourt is the Assistant Director and Professor for the George Mason University Forensic Science Program. She currently teaches several graduate level courses, does academic advising, and is working with the program Director to create and implement the George Mason University Institute of Forensic and Behavioral Sciences. Prior to joining the Forensic Science Program, Professor Rancourt worked in the field as a Crime Scene Specialist for the Prince William County Police, Virginia investigating homicides, suicides, suspicious deaths, police involved shootings, crime scenes associated with life-threatening injuries, child abuse, serial crimes, and cold case homicides. Professor Rancourt has advanced training and experience documenting blood stain patterns, bullet trajectory, fingerprint powder and chemical processing, utilizing an alternate light source, casting footwear and tire track impression, as well as bite marks and tool marks. Professor Rancourt has been qualified as an expert in crime scene investigation where she has testified in Federal and local court trials.
Professor Rancourt is also a member of a team that evaluates training courses provided under the auspices of the Antiterrorism Assistance Program (ATA). ATA is managed by the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, U.S. Department of State, through the Office of Antiterrorism Assistance. These courses are provided to foreign police students throughout the world to improve capabilities to detect, deter, counter, and eliminate threats of terrorism against American interests and those of allied nations, and to increases their capabilities to solve terrorist crimes in their countries.
Teaching Focus
Professor Rancourt teaches the undergraduate FRSC 401 Crime Scene Investigation and the graduate FRSC 510 Basic Crime Scene Investigation, FRSC 511 Advanced Crime Scene Investigation, FRSC 570 Trace and Physical Evidence Analysis, and coordinates the FRSC 790 Internship in Forensic Science
2019 University Teaching Excellence Award
Contact Info

- Name
- Prof. Emily Rancourt
- Job Title
- Associate ProfessorAssistant Director of Forensic Science Program
- Phone Number
- Office Number
- Exploratory Hall, Room 3406, MSN 6E2