Hao Jing
- Assistant Professor
Contact Info

- Name
- Dr. Hao Jing
- Job Title
- Assistant Professor
- Website
- Phone Number
- Office Number
- Planetary Hall, Room 311
- Chemistry & Biochemistry Department (Instructional Faculty)
Research Areas
- Chemistry
- Materials Science
PhD, University of South Carolina, 2015
Vibrant research programs are developed with primary focus on the design and development of novel plasmonic and rare-earth upconversion nanomaterials taking advantage of physical chemistry approaches for a broad range of applications. The ultimate goal is to gain deep scientific insights to structure-property relationship. Primary teaching responsibilities are general chemistry, physical chemistry and advanced chemistry courses relevant to materials, nanoscience and nanotechnology for senior and graduate students.
Current Research
Research Areas
- Physical Chemistry
- Materials Science
- Nanophotonics
We are currently interested in metal-semiconductor core-shell hybrid hetero-nanostructures with extinction peaks tuned to near-infrared (NIR) spectral region. This will lead to the efficient conversion of solar energy especially the NIR portions into chemical energy through photocatalytic reactions by utilizing novel anisotropic hybrid nanostructures. Another current project is the rational design of smart probes based on NIR-excited lanthanidedoped upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) for latent fingerprint imaging and particularly, encryption.
Teaching Focus
- Statistical Thermodynamics and Chemical Kinetics (CHEM 633/CSI 711)
- Fundamentals of Nanoscience and Nanostructures (CHEM 680/480)
- Special Topics in Nanoscience (CHEM 579)
- Physical Chemistry I (CHEM 331)
- Physical Chemistry II (CHEM 332)
- Physical Chemistry I Lab (CHEM 336)
- General Chemistry II (CHEM 212)
Selected Publications
- Jing, H.*, "Introduction to Advances in Multi-component Plasmonic Hybrid Nanoarchitectures for Versatile Applications", Nanoscale Advances, 2024, 6, 1037-1038.
- Ivanchenko, M., Carroll, A. L.; Brothers, A. B.; Jing, H.*, "Plasmonic Ag@Cu2O Core-Shell Nanostructures Exhibiting Near-Infrared Photothermal Effect", RSC Advances, 2023, 13, 31569-31577.
- Ivanchenko, M.; Jing, H.* “Smart Design of Noble Metal-Copper Chalcogenide Dual Plasmonic Hetero-Nanoarchitectures for Emerging Applications: Progress and Prospects”, Chemistry of Materials, 2023, 35 (12), 4598-4620. (Featured and highlighted as the Front Cover)
- Ivanchenko, M.; Carroll, A.; Brothers, A. B.; Jing, H.* “Facile Aqueous Synthesis of Hollow Dual Plasmonic Hetero-Nanostructures with Tunable Optical Responses through the Nanoscale Kirkendall Effects”, Nanoscale Advances, 2023, 5, 88-95. (Featured and highlighted as the Front Cover)
- Ivanchenko, M.; Jing, H.* “Anisotropic Dual-Plasmonic Hetero-Nanostructures with Tunable Plasmonic Coupling Effects”, Nanoscale Advances, 2022, 4, 2632-2636. (Featured and highlighted as the Back Cover and selected as “Popular Advances” in 2022)
- Ivanchenko, M.; Nooshnab, V.; Myers, A. F.; Large, N.; Evangelista, A. J.; Jing, H.* “Enhanced Dual Plasmonic Photocatalysis through Plasmonic Coupling in Eccentric Noble Metal-Nonstoichiometric Copper Chalcogenide Heter-nanostructures”, Nano Research, 2022, 15(2), 1579-1586.
- Evangelista, A. J.; Ivanchenko, M.; Myers, A. F.; McAnulty, L. N.; Payne, G. K. M.; Jing, H.* “Multi-Shelled Upconversion Nanostructures with Enhanced Photoluminescence Intensity via Successive Epitaxial Layer-by-Layer Formation (SELF) Strategy for High-Level Anticounterfeiting”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2020, 8, 5692-5703. (Featured and highlighted as the Back Cover)
- 2024 Teaching Excellence Award Winner, George Mason University
- 2023 4-VA Collaborative Research Grant
- 2022 COS SEED, Deciphering Synergistic Effects in Photocatalytic Nitrogen Fixation via Site-Selective Growth of Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) on Anisotropic Metal Nanostructures, George Mason University
- 2019, COS SEED, Rational Design of Smart Probes based on Lanthanide-Doped Upconversion Nanoparticles (UCNPs) for Next Generation Latent Fingerprint Imaging and Encryption, George Mason University
- 2021 Dean’s Research Scientist Award, College of Science, George Mason University
- 2019, 2020 and 2021 Mason Core Award, George Mason University
Contact Info

- Name
- Dr. Hao Jing
- Job Title
- Assistant Professor
- Website
- Phone Number
- Office Number
- Planetary Hall, Room 311