Richard Groover
- Adjunct Faculty
- Environmental Science Education, Biodiversity, General Ecology
Contact Info

- Name
- Dr. Richard S. Groover
- Job Title
- Adjunct FacultyEnvironmental Science Education, Biodiversity, General Ecology
- Office Number
- David King Hall, Room 3026, MSN 5F2
Research Areas
- Biodiversity
B.A. Biology, Emory & Henry College (1971)
M.S. Biology, East Tennessee State University (1974)
Ph.D. Environmental Science & Public Policy, George Mason University (2017)
Dr. Richard Groover is a retired college community college professor and dean. He is a Fellow of the Virginia Academy of Science. He is currently on the Board of Trustees for the Virginia Sierra Club and the Education Fund of the Virginia League of Conservation Voters. He served on the Governor of Virginia’s Climate Commission from 2014 to 2015. Dr. Groover lives in Hanover County, VA.
Current Research
Dr. Groover has completed a two-year grant funded study of coyotes in Hanover County, VA, which has been downloaded 380 times. He has a current grant to study black vulture behavior in Central Virginia.
Teaching Focus
At George Mason University, Dr. Groover teaches Graduate Seminars in Special Topics; at Randolph Macon College he teaches Ecology.
Selected Publications
Groover, R.S. and J.G. Pacek. 2024. Citizen Boards, The Good & The Bad. Parker Publishing. 88 p.
Groover, R. S. 2023. Coyote occupancy and movement in Hanover County, Virginia. Virginia Journal of Science 74 (1-2): 1-8.
Groover, R.S. 2022. Stormwater retention ponds benefit for Odonata. Argia, 34(2) June 2022.
Groover, R.S. 2022. Survey of Anisoptera (Odonata) at five National Park Battlefields in Hanover County, VA. Banisteria. 56: 25-30.
Smith, C, and R. Groover. 2021. Cicada Olympics, engaging kids in live insect activities. 60p.
Groover, R.S. 2021. The Civil War and the flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.). Banisteria 55: N13-16.
Groover, R.S. 2020. Environmental Cartoons for Teachers. Hanover Films and Communications. Studley, VA. 91p.
Groover, R.S. 2017. The Environmental Almanac of Virginia, 2nd edition. Hanover Films and Communications. Studley, VA. 271p.
Groover, R.S. 2014. A contract will make undergraduate research successful. In Tapping the Potential of All: Undergraduate Research in Community Colleges. The Council on Undergraduate Research. Washington, D.C.
Contact Info

- Name
- Dr. Richard S. Groover
- Job Title
- Adjunct FacultyEnvironmental Science Education, Biodiversity, General Ecology
- Office Number
- David King Hall, Room 3026, MSN 5F2