Ted Hsuan Yun Chen
- Assistant Professor
- Climate Change Politics
- Quantitative Social Science Methodology
Contact Info

- Name
- Ted Hsuan Yun Chen
- Job Title
- Assistant ProfessorClimate Change PoliticsQuantitative Social Science Methodology
- Website
- Phone Number
- Office Number
- David King Hall, Room 3036, MSN 5F2
- Environmental Science & Policy Department (Instructional Faculty)
Research Areas
- Climate politics
- Micro-level adaptation
- Social networks
- Inequality
- Political polarization
PhD Political Science, Pennsylvania State University, 2019
MA Asia Pacific Policy Studies, University of British Columbia, 2012
BA Sociology, McGill University, 2009
I am an assistant professor at George Mason University studying climate change politics and network methods for social scientific research.
My research agenda focuses on the social and political consequences of climate change and efforts to stem these often unequal outcomes. I am particularly interested in the heterogeneity in how individuals adapt to climate change exposure, including through political participation and migration, and the role of activism and science communication in preferences toward climate policies.
I also have a methodological focus in developing network approaches for studying complexity in political phenomena, with emphasis on multilayer network representations of social and political systems. These approaches encompass the complexities of coupled socioecological systems and vastly improve our ability to address the interdependencies of policy problems associated with climate change.
Current Research
- Inequalities in individual-level adaptation to climate change
- Belief system networks surrounding conceptions of fairness in climate migration
- Activism and contestations over climate politics in online space
- Network approaches to political polarization
Teaching Focus
My primary teaching interests are in environmental politics, which includes environmental political behavior, environmental justice, and climate governance; and in quantitative social science research methodology, which includes network analysis, research design, and social data analytics.
I understand learning as a process of discovery in which students are the ones who must make the knowledge their own. My role as an instructor is therefore to facilitate this process. First, I emphasize the learning process in my course materials. Specifically, learning outcomes are not limited to factual knowledge, but include approaches to thinking systematically and processing information. Second, clearly outlining expectations and generally being prepared as a teacher will instill concepts of fairness in learning and reduce barriers to education. Finally, in line with my belief about students' ownership of learning, I build flexibility into my course assignments such that students can develop the specific skillsets useful to them.
EVPP 632 Research Design for Environmental Social Science
EVPP 336 Human Dimensions of the Environment
Selected Publications
Ted Hsuan Yun Chen and Boyoon Lee. 2022. “Income-based Inequality in Post-disaster Migration is Lower in High Resilience Areas: Evidence from U.S. Internal Migration.” Environmental Research Letters 17: 034043. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac5692
Ted Hsuan Yun Chen, Ali Salloum, Antti Gronow, Tuomas Ylä-Anttila, and Mikko Kivelä. 2021. “Polarization of Climate Politics Results from Partisan Sorting: Evidence from Finnish Twittersphere.” Global Environmental Change 71: 102348. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2021.102348
Christian S. Schmid, Ted Hsuan Yun Chen, and Bruce A. Desmarais. 2021. “Generative Dynamics of Supreme Court Citations: Analysis with a New Statistical Network Model.” Political Analysis 1-20 (online first). https://www.doi.org/10.1017/pan.2021.20
Ted Hsuan Yun Chen. 2021. “Statistical Inference for Multilayer Networks in Political Science.” Political Science Research and Methods 9(2): 380-397. https://doi.org/10.1017/psrm.2019.49
Contact Info

- Name
- Ted Hsuan Yun Chen
- Job Title
- Assistant ProfessorClimate Change PoliticsQuantitative Social Science Methodology
- Website
- Phone Number
- Office Number
- David King Hall, Room 3036, MSN 5F2