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Antil receives funding for nonlocal school on fractional equations


Harbir Antil pic

Harbir Antil, Director, Center for Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (CMAI); Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, received funding from the National Science Foundation for: "Nonlocal School on Fractional Equations (NSFE)."   

This award will support participation in the Nonlocal School on Fractional Equations (NSFE) 2022, held on the campus of Iowa State University on June 9 – 11, 2022.  

Fractional (nonlocal) models in science and engineering can account for long-range interactions and are notably flexible in being applicable to non-smooth scenarios.  

A primary goal of the school is to introduce students and early-career researchers to current trends in nonlocal equations, as well as to provide a vibrant networking environment. There will be two (three-hour-long) mini-tutorial style lectures and six invited talks from leading researchers in the field.  

This meeting will advance knowledge in nonlocal modeling, optimal control, numerical analysis, implementation, and software development. These topics involve numerous aspects of probability theory, optimization and variational analysis, convex analysis, and applied and computational mathematics. The school aims to stimulate new developments in these important areas of mathematics and their application to finance, physics, biology, data science, and engineering.  

The meeting also aims to provide a unique opportunity for graduate students, postdocs, and other early career scientists to interact with leading researchers in fractional nonlocal models. The organizers are making a special effort to recruit participants from minority groups in STEM and from minority serving institutions. Videos of the lectures as well as lecture notes will be uploaded on the conference website.  

Regarding the importance of this project, Antil said, "This project will advance knowledge in nonlocal modeling, control, numerical analysis, implementation, and software development. It aims to stimulate new developments in these areas of mathematics and their application to finance, physics, biology, data science, and engineering. The project also aims to provide a unique opportunity for graduate students, postdocs, and other early career scientists to interact with leading researchers in fractional nonlocal models." 

Antil received $24,121 from NSF for this award. Funding began in June 2022 and will end in late May 2023.

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