Upcoming Events
Galileo's Science Cafe
Oct 20, 2022, 6:00 - 8:00 PM

Join us-Thursday, October 20, 2022
Click HERE to register for this event. A light dinner is provided between 6-7 pm. Presentation begins at 7 pm. Click to see the full schedule and details HERE.
To include everyone, our Galileo’s Science Café 2022-23 sessions will be conducted in a hybrid format via simultaneous in-person and Zoom webinar presentations.
In-person guests, join us atthe Verizon Auditorium on the SciTech Campus in Manassas, VA. Free parking for each session is provided for our guests in the Occoquan Lot. (Control + click to see a map)
Remote guests, join us via live Zoom webinar. Control + click the link HERE.
About this session
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women, (1 in 8), and breast cancer death rates are higher than those for any other cancer, besides lung cancer. Breast cancer suffering and death are caused by metastasis, the spread of cancer cells to other organs. Why doesn’t the patient’s own immune system recognize and kill the invading destructive cancer cells? Why do some patients suffer from highly aggressive metastatic spread? Research on metastasis has revealed the malevolent nature of cancer. Cancer wears an invisibility cloak to go unnoticed by the immune system, while quietly sabotaging any defending immune cells. Cancer also whispers to the patient’s body pretending to be a healing wound or a growing embryo. This encourages cooperation to magnify the cancer’s attack. We will present new discoveries that permit us to eavesdrop on the insidious beast tumor propaganda. We will present fresh strategies for opening the invisibility cloak and killing metastasis.