Christine Rosenfeld
- Associate Professor
Contact Info

- Name
- Dr. Christine Rosenfeld
- Job Title
- Associate Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Number
- Exploratory Hall, Room 2216, MSN 6C3
- Geography & Geoinformation Science Department (Instructional Faculty)
Research Areas
- Cultural and historical geography
- Political geography
- Landscape analysis
- Qualitative research
PhD, Cultural Studies, George Mason University, 2018
MS, Geography, Pennsylvania State University, 2012
BA, Geography and Spanish, Pennsylvania State University, 2010
Christine Rosenfeld is an Associate Professor in the Geography and Geoinformation Science department at George Mason University. She received her doctorate in Cultural Studies from George Mason University, her MS degree in Geography from the Pennsylvania State University, and her BA degrees in Geography and Spanish from the Pennsylvania State University. She has been the recipient of fellowships from George Mason and Penn State for her graduate studies, teaching awards from George Mason, and most recently two grants from the state of Virginia to create and adopt an open-source text for a human geography and a world regional geography course.
She also serves as an undergraduate advisor, the Bachelor’s-accelerated master’s advisor, and an Online Coordinator for the department. She coordinates the Learning Assistant program for the department and leads various departmental outreach efforts in the community and within Mason.
Current Research
I am a trained qualitative researcher who conducts interviews and focus groups, completes archival analysis, and conducts content analysis with the use of NVIVO and DeDoose qualitative analysis software.
I have two primary current research projects. The first is part of an NSF funded project called “An Expanding Global Maritime Network, Its Arctic Impacts and Reverberations,” part of which is aimed at analyzing perceived risks of the changing Arctic landscape among various stakeholder groups including Arctic states, Indigenous groups, and non-Arctic states, with the goal of developing a conflict early warning system. The second stems from my dissertation research about the socio-cultural struggle in and about the Saddle region of the Big Island in Hawai`i.
Teaching Focus
-GGS 301: Political Geography
-GGS 103: Human Geography
-GGS 101: Major World Regions
-GGS 399/590: Spatial Justice
Experienced with upper division seminars, undergraduate lectures, on ground, and online learning environments; utilizes activity-based learning with assistance of undergraduate learning assistants; offers synchronous and asynchronous courses.
Selected Publications
- Rosenfeld, Christine. (2015). More Than Merely Transcription: An Analysis of Metatasks and Twitter Chat. Collections: A journal for Museum and Archives Professionals, 12(2), 199-206.
- Ferriter, Meghan, Christine Rosenfeld, Carla Burgess, Siobhan Leachman, Victoria Leachman, Heidi Moses, Felicia Pickering, Megan Shuler. (2016). We Learn Together. Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals, 12(2), 207-226.
- Rosenfeld, Christine. (June, 2020). Book review of Possessing Polynesians: The science of settler colonial whiteness in Hawai`i and Oceania by Maile Renee Arvin. Lateral: Journal of the Cultural Studies Association, 9(1).
- The Virtual Library of Virginia Course Redesign Grant (2020, 2019)
- Outstanding Mason Core Award (2018, 2019)
- Stearns Center for Teaching and Learning “Thank a Teacher” Award (2017, 2019)
- Dissertation Completion Fellowship (2018)
Contact Info

- Name
- Dr. Christine Rosenfeld
- Job Title
- Associate Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Number
- Exploratory Hall, Room 2216, MSN 6C3