Matthew Rice
- Associate Professor
Contact Info

- Name
- Matthew Rice
- Job Title
- Associate Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Number
- Exploratory Hall, Room 2202, MSN 6C3
- Geography & Geoinformation Science Department (Instructional Faculty)
- Geography & Geoinformation Science Department (Research Faculty)
Ph.D., University of California Santa Barbara
Current Research
My current research bridges past work in multimodal mapping interfaces with funded research in geocrowdsourcing. Specifically, my research team develops, implements, and tests systems for rapid reporting and assessment of navigation obstacles, and looks at how quality assessment metrics, derived from remote sensing and GIS, can be applied to map-based geocrowdsourcing activities. I have an interest in mapping dynamic urban environments, with a focus on accessibility corridors, and finding ways to contribute to economic activity and urban sustainability, through the design and implementation of useful geospatial tools and technology. I currently serve as President of the Cartography and Geographic Information Society (CaGIS), and am a U.S. delegate to the International Cartographic Association, where I served as Local Arrangements Chair for ICC 2017 in Washington D.C.
Selected Publications
Rice, M., Jacobson, D., Curtin, K., Pfoser, D., Qin, H., Coll, K., Rice, R., Paez, F., Aburizaiza, A. (2018) “Quality Assessment and Accessibility Mapping in an Image-based Geocrowdsourcing Testbed”, Cartographica, ed. Emmanuel Stefanakis. [Accepted / in Press]
Qin, H., Curtin, K. M., Rice, M. T. (2017) “Pedestrian Network Repair with Spatial Optimization Models and Geocrowdsourced Data”, GeoJournal, Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Barney Warf. p.1-18 DOI:10.1007/s10708-017-9775-x
Rice, R. M., Aburizaiza, A. O., Rice, M. T., & Qin, H. (2016). Position validation in crowdsourced accessibility mapping. Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization, 51(2), 55–66.
Aburizaiza, A O, Rice, M. T. (2016) Geospatial Footprint Library of Geoparsed Text from Crowdsourcing. Spatial Information Research 24(4), 409-420.
Bevington-Attardi, D., and M.T. Rice (2015) “On the Map: American Cartography in 2015”, Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 42:S1, p.1-5. DOI:10.1080/15230406.2015.1060112
Qin, H., Rice, R. M., Fuhrmann, S., Rice, M. T., Curtin, K. M., & Ong, E. (2015). Geocrowdsourcing and accessibility for dynamic environments. GeoJournal, 81:5, 699-716.
Rice, M.T., R.D. Jacobson, D.R. Caldwell, S.D. McDermott, F.I. Paez, A.Aburizaiza, K.M. Curtin, A. Stefanidis, H. Qin (2013) “Crowdsourcing Techniques for Augmenting Traditional Accessibility Maps with Transitory Obstacle Information”, Cartography and Geographic Information Science (CaGIS), ed. Michael Leitner. Vol. 40, No.3 (July 2013) pp.210-219. DOI: 10.1080/15230406.2013.799737
Rice, Matthew T, Aburizaiza, Ahmad O., Jacobson R. Daniel, Shore, Brandon M., Paez, Fabiana I. (2012) “Supporting Accessibility for Blind and Vision-impaired People With a Localized Gazetteer and Open Source Geotechnology” Transactions in GIS 16 (2), 177-190. (April 13, 2012)
Contact Info

- Name
- Matthew Rice
- Job Title
- Associate Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Number
- Exploratory Hall, Room 2202, MSN 6C3