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This page is intended to be a resource for advisors in the College of Science. You will find new information from the field as well as pertinent information related to advising day-to-day activities.

Mason Academic Advising Network (MAAN)
We encourage all COS staff and faculty who work with students in an academic advising capacity to join MAAN, our advising network on campus. By joining you will have access to a listserv which distributes timely and helpful information relevant to advising. You will also be given access to a private webpage, just for advisors, that contains a wealth of advising information as well as ways to connect and grow professionally with other advisors on campus.
The National ACademic ADvising Association (NACADA)
The professional organization for advisors is the National ACademic ADvising Association. The organization is divided into regions, with Mason associated with Region 2. Regional conferences are a great way to work with other advisors on current issues affecting our profession.
One of the best ways to stay abreast of current information in advising is to become a member. Also, check out their website and be sure to look for their Clearinghouse of articles. It is a wealth of information!
One of the most important jobs we have as advisors is to recognize the point of referral and encourage the student to take advantage of appropriate resources. At Mason, there’s always a lot of changes so it’s important that we keep up with who’s where and what types of services each office provides. The document below titled “Mason Resource List” provides a list of student resources as well as a short description of what types of services that resource provides. It’s a good practice, when unsure of where to send a student, to call ahead to confirm location, services provided, etc.