Finishing Doctoral Dissertation
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Finishing Doctoral Dissertation
Useful link from library University Dissertation and Thesis Services (UDTS)
UDTS required forms can be found here: under Signature Sheets and Forms sections.
Important paperwork
- Title page signature sheet (Dissertation services requirement)
- Transmittal sheet (Dissertation services requirement)
- Embargo request (Dissertation services requirement)
- Full dissertation manuscript with format review approval (Dissertation services requirement)
- Climate Dynamics Signature sheet (department requirement)
Important dates
- Graduation application deadline: Check for when the graduation application is available. If the online application closes, you must file a late application which requires signatures from the advisor and department chair.
- Format review deadline: check UDTS for last day, but should do this between 4-6 weeks prior to defense date. Thesis does not need to be complete to complete format review.
- Pre-defense date: schedule this about a month before final defense
- Final defense date: schedule this at least a week before the final thesis submission deadline.
- Final submission deadline: check for final deadline. Pre-covid, final submission was by appointment only. I don't know how this has changed.
Final submission procedure
About a day before the library submission, upload your thesis to the Proquest database (UDTS will send the link with the submission procedures). Get all forms and paperwork that say (Dissertation Services requirement) in the above paperwork list. Submit to UDTS. Sally Evans is the coordinator and she will inform you once your submission is approved. She will then send a Survey of Earned Doctorates link. Complete that in a timely manner, and then Sally will confirm that your dissertation requirements have been completed in full.
(The more signatures needed, the longer the turnaround time for the document. Plan accordingly.)
- Title page: Advisor/committee chair, all committee members, department chair, associate dean, dean. Consult with COS ahead of time for the exact name and title to use for the various deans before requesting signatures to avoid unnecessary corrections.
- Transmittal sheet: Yours
- Embargo request: If you are NOT embargoing work, none. If you ARE embargoing your work, advisor, and associate dean.
- Climate Dynamics signature sheet: Advisor/Committee chair, all committee members, graduate coordinator