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AOES and Mathematical Sciences welcome new department chairs

The College of Science is pleased to announce that Maria Emelianenko became the first female Chair for the Department of Mathematical Sciences and Mark D. Uhen was named Chair of the Department of Atmospheric Oceanic and Earth Sciences (AOES). They’ve each served as faculty in their respective departments for several years and will continue the tradition of providing students a top-quality education while also looking forward to ways they can grow their departments.

Maria Emelianenko

As the IIP director and the PI on the corresponding $450,000 Mason Provost PhD award, Emelianenko spearheads departmental efforts to establish interdisciplinary collaborations with partnering institutions within and outside of the academia. She also serves as an Associate Director of the Quantum Science and Engineering Center, actively participating in Mason-wide efforts related to quantum computing and multiscale materials modeling.

Her research explores the interface between mathematics and other areas of science and engineering, such as materials science, chemistry, and biology. She made significant contributions to the development of predictive models and simulations for smart materials design and to the acceleration of clustering and model reduction algorithms. Learn more about Maria Emelianenko.

Maria E.

Mark D. Uhen

Uhen’s extensive field experience has taken him from dinosaur formation research in Bighorn Basin in Wyoming, to examining Middle and late Eocene archaeocite whales of Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and South Carolina, and even to the Pisco basin Peru and Western Sahara.

With career grant support totaling more than $3.5 million, Uhen currently has over 86 peer reviewed publications, 89 published abstracts, and 5,000 citations. He serves as lead investigator on a National Science Foundation funded collaboration to establish a comprehensive paleobiology database which will create the standard for preserving and presenting ancient data for future research. Learn more about Mark D. Uhen.

Mark Uhen

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