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Dean's Blog: Gratitude is showing up

Coming off this Thanksgiving break, we enter into the final push in a very productive fall semester. Our George Mason scientists are working diligently to submit research papers and applications for fellowships and funding, to finish that last assignment, to enter final grades on schedule, to present posters and perhaps even defend their thesis or confirm their intent to graduate. It’s an exciting, yet also perhaps stressful time. Yet, I encourage us to still carve out time to show up and express our gratitude.
There’s a lot to be thankful for—I recently got to thank the many employees who celebrated their anniversaries with George Mason. Whether it be five or thirty years, the time and energy you bring to our science community is valued. Thank you for showing up, day after day, year after year.
We can also join CDS’ Hillary Hamm, who will receive the George Mason Employee of the Month award during the university’s holiday party on December 11 at 2:15 p.m. And let’s take time to congratulate colleagues who have achieved meaningful milestones, like CSISS Director, Liping Di who was recently elected to be an IEEE fellow, or mathematician, Padhu Seshaiyer who received the Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance Distinguished Senior Fellowship award. This spring we will host a new event to celebrate faculty receiving significant research awards and external grants. More details on that special recognition to come in the new year.
On the student success side, we recently highlighted this year’s Three Minute Thesis poster session winner, physics and astronomy graduate student, Blake Keith. And I’ve also had the chance to connect with some members of a student group who definitely deserve our gratitude – our learning assistants (LAs). These stellar scientists work tirelessly in over 40 courses across the College of Science to facilitate impactful student learning. On Tuesday, December 10, in the Exploratory Hall Atrium, our LAs will present posters reflecting on their teaching experiences, their students’ learning, and new instructional initiatives they have implemented. I encourage us all to take time to show our gratitude and interest in how their experiences—working with students and faculty, and participating in the LA seminar—have affected them as teachers and learners. Please come anytime during the 1 to 3 p.m. window and engage in substantive conversations as the LAs are eager to share what they've learned with us—because we share their commitment to improving STEM teaching and learning at George Mason and beyond. Added perk, I’m thankful to add, there will be snacks!
Speaking of food and celebration, I had the opportunity to identify our shining stars from the more than 100 nominations for the 2024 Dean’s Awards. Thank you to those who nominated their colleagues and to the prior recipients who worked together to review the many contributions of those brought forward to be recognized. I encourage all faculty and staff to join the celebration of our collective efforts as we reveal this year’s Dean’s Award recipients at the college’s Celebration of Success on December 12.
Although it is really hard to squeeze everything in, I’ve found that when I take time to show up and share gratitude, my mood lightens and my motivation strengthens. I’m so very thankful for our science community and hope you feel the same as we celebrate our collective successes together. Looking forward to seeing you there.