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From undergraduate field studies to dream job

Alex Murphy poses with some soil samples on a table

Alex Murphy, who graduated from ESP in May 2022, recently met up with ESP associate professor Dr. Cynthia Smith at a K-12 teacher training workshop which she led at Windy Knolls Farm in Nokesville, in partnership with the Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District (PWSWCD).  Alex shared with Dr. Smith how well his undergraduate program had prepared him for his job, which he greatly enjoys.


"I graduated from George Mason University in May 2022. I was an environmental science major with a concentration in ecological science. The classes and the experiences that I had, as well as research I participated in prepared me to land a great job right out of college at the Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District (PWSWCD) where I am a Conservation Specialist. In this position, I have ample opportunities to do fieldwork as well as computer work in GIS, soil nitrogen modeling, nutrient management planning, erosion management planning and other types of conservation strategies. I also have access to state local and federal databases, which allows us to collaborate in a multidimensional way with professionals in the field. I routinely network with natural resource professionals across the Commonwealth and I’m learning a great deal about state programs, environmental laws and regulations. 


Alex Murphy poses next to a barn

The classes that I had at Mason prepared me well. Microbiology with Dr. Jennifer Salerno, for example, showed me how microbes, an important resource in aquatic food webs, are reliant on water quality.  Soil Ecology with Dr. Changwoo Ahn gave me the knowledge to understand soil characteristics and diversity, which I now use in conservation planning. My policy-infused ecology classes with Dr. Cindy Smith showed how we implement conservation practices for important ecological areas.


PWSWCD is dedicated to hiring passionate individuals who strive to improve our environment.  If you would like to learn more you can reach me at“

* The programs and services offered by George Mason University are open to all who seek them. George Mason does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, ethnic national origin (including shared ancestry and/or ethnic characteristics), sex, disability, military status (including veteran status), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, pregnancy status, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law. After an initial review of its policies and practices, the university affirms its commitment to meet all federal mandates as articulated in federal law, as well as recent executive orders and federal agency directives.