Cellular automorphisms of embedded graphs and two mathematical applicationsLowell Abrams, George Washington University
Planar graphs are 9/2-colorable and have big independent setsDan Cranston, Virginia Commonwealth University
Wed, 23 March, 1:30, Research Hall 163Back to Seminar Pages
Approximating the permanentFrancis Sullivan, IDA/Center for Computing Sciences
A new nonmonotone spectral projected gradient method for semidefinite programming problem with log-determinant and l_1 norm objective function
From Broken Circuits to Monte Carlo: Approximating the Coefficients of the Chromatic Polynomial
Elliptic sequences and Pfaffian TriplesMichael Somos, Georgetown University
Integral point in orbits of morphisms on curvesVijay Sookdeo, Catholic University of America
Spring 2015 Seminar Schedule Tuesday 3:00-4:15 PM JOHNSON CENTER MEETING ROOM F
Probabilistic Analysis of QuickSort: An OverviewJim Fill, Johns Hopkins University