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Research centers are chartered organizations in the university.
They are foci for larger groups of scientists and support staff organized around specific research areas.

Major Research Centers
Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine (CAPMM)
The Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine (CAPMM) creates new technologies and make basic science discoveries in the field of disease pathogenesis
Apply these discoveries and technologies to create and implement strategies for disease prevention, early diagnosis and individualized therapy. The primary emphasis of our disease research is cancer, but new technologies developed in the center are being applied to a number of important human diseases including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity, as well as liver, ocular, neurodegenerative and infectious diseases.
CAPMM scientists identify and decode the cryptic messages hidden deep inside the human proteome that are critical links to early disease detection and patient-tailored treatment. With clinical investigators from health care organizations and industry partners, the researchers are working to bring this novel laboratory research to the clinical level—the patient’s bedside. The “bench-to-bedside” approach accelerates new tools and technologies into improved, early disease diagnosis, individually tailored therapies, and personalized disease management for patients.
Center for Collision Safety and Analysis (CCSA)
The Center for Collision Safety and Analysis (CCSA)at George Mason University brings together a strong and richly experienced team of scientists and engineers focused on using advanced technology to understand collisions involving transport vehicles and to develop means to avoid or mitigate them to enhance safety and security. CCSA is associated with the College of Science at George Mason and the National Center for Manufacturing Science (NCMS).
Center for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Center for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is the systematic application of computing systems and computational solution techniques to mathematical models formulated to describe and simulate fluid dynamic phenomena.
CFD is part of computational mechanics, which in turn is part of simulation techniques. Simulation is used by engineers and physicists to forecast or reconstruct the behavior of an engineering product or physical situation under assumed or measured boundary conditions (geometry, initial states, loads, etc.)
Center for Geospatial Intelligence (CGEOINT)
Geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) refers to the collection, organization, analysis, and dissemination of information on the position and complementary attributes of physical features, man-made structures, moving objects, people, events and activities. Thus, it covers a wide range of diverse applications, ranging from environmental monitoring and emergency response to intelligent vehicle navigation and surveillance for homeland security.
The Center for Geospatial Intelligence (CGEOINT) at George Mason university is conducting, supporting and coordinating research, teaching. technology transfer and outreach activities in geospatial intelligence. With strong expertise in geoinformatics, ranging from remote sensing and geographic information science to digital image analysis and sensor networks, CGEOINT is uniquely positioned, both academically and geographically, to become an Academic leader in the rapidly growing field of Geospatial Intelligence.
Center for Infectious Disease Research (CIDR)
The Center for Infectious Disease Research (CIDR) is a college-level research center, with participating faculty across the College of Science who are engaged in Infectious Disease Research, as well as across Mason, supporting the graduate students in the Microbiology and Infectious Disease concentrations within the PhD, MS and BSc programs.
Center for Intelligent Spatial Computing for Water/Energy Science (CISC)
The joint Center for Intelligent Spatial Computing (CISC)was established on March 1, 2006. CISC is under the direction of Dr. Phil Yang (Director) and Dr. David Wong (Chief Scientist). CISC is established on our research on intelligent spatial computing and collaborations with our domestic and international agencies/partners, including NASA, NSF, CUE, NPS, EPA, FGDC, Peking University, Wuhan University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and HeiLongJiang Bureau of Surveying and Mapping. Targeted to be an international innovator and leader, CISC’s research is focused on geospatial information interoperability, high-performance geospatial information processing, geospatial pattern analysis, and spatial GEOSS applications.
Center for Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (CMAI)
The Center for Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence focuses on artificial intelligence, big data, control, optimization, anomalous (nonlocal) diffusion, nonlinear partial differential equations, with a broad range of applications. CMAI is funded by George Mason University, National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Army Research Office, and Department of Navy.
Center for Molecular Engineering (CME)
The Center for Molecular Engineering (CME) drives the discovery of new molecular technologies through the design, synthesis, and characterization of novel chemical compounds. Its research interests include projects in medicinal chemistry, lipid nanoparticles for mRNA delivery, environmental science, and energy storage. The CME supports drug discovery efforts by providing pharmacokinetic characterizations of small molecules, permeability assessment, recombinant protein synthesis, enzyme kinetics, biomolecule-small molecule binding, drug design, and chemical synthesis. The center also carries out compound authentication for identity and purity by 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, LC-MS/MS, FTIR, UV-Vis/fluorescence spectrophotometry, and polarimetry (for chiral materials). The computational capabilities include docking, molecular dynamics simulations, quantum chemistry, and pKa predictions.
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
The Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA) is dedicated to understanding climate fluctuations on seasonal, inter-annual, and decadal scales, with special emphasis on the interactions between Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and land surfaces.
Center for Social Complexity (CSC)
The Center for Social Complexity at George Mason University is a specialized venue for pursuing interdisciplinary advanced research, discoveries, and inventions that support exploration and analysis of human social phenomena. It was created in 2002 under the Provost's Initiative in Computational Social Science and Social Complexity. The Center subscribes to the philosophy of exploiting synergistic interactions between purely theoretical and applied policy research. Pure research and problem-oriented research can often profit from each other. The benefits of the pure-applied synergy have been amply demonstrated in the history of the social sciences (e.g., learning, human factors, organizations, governance, conflict resolution, peacekeeping), as well as in the life sciences and the physical sciences.
Center of Spatial Information Science and Systems (CSISS)
The Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems (CSISS) conducts research and provides training to postdoctoral fellows, PhD candidates, and master’s students in Geospatial information science, remote sensing, satellite image analysis, geospatial data processing, Earth system science, geospatial interoperability and standards, geographic information systems, and other related subjects.
Earth Observing and Spatial Research, Center for (CEOSR)
The Center for Earth Observing and Space Research (CEOSR) at George Mason University provides a focus for cutting-edge research related to satellite platforms, including data acquisition and processing, as well as information extraction and analysis, for a variety of application domains such as natural hazards and disaster management, hurricane tracking, and geospatial intelligence. CEOSR, the largest research center at George Mason, with more than 60 affiliated scientists, is an interdisciplinary research center in the College of Science (COS), and has strong ties with several government agencies including NASA, NRL and others. It supports the mission of science at GMU, as a working group on Space, Earth Systems, and Geoinformation Sciences, including Earth Observing, Geospatial Information Systems, and Space Weather. In addition to fundamental science, CEOSR also provides needed infrastructure to support research projects falling within its focus areas.
Environmental Science and Technology Center (ESTC)
The Environmental Science and Technology Center (ESTC) is a joint interdisciplinary center focusing on global environmental and climate monitoring, global carbon measuring, flood forecasting and defense, water resources management, ecological protection and restoration, and Earth observations.
ESTC brings together researchers from various cultural backgrounds and gives them high-level approaches, international vision, and in-depth knowledge in the interdisciplinary field of environmental and climate research. The Center’s faculty teaches the skills, tools, and methodologies to support a global approach for solving complex problems. ESTC has been supporting the international activities of Commission for Agricultural Meteorology (CAgM) which is one of commissions of World Meteorological Organization (WMO), such as World AgroMeteorological Information Service (WAMIS) system.
MicroBiome Analysis Center (MBAC)
The MicroBiome Analysis Center (MBAC), is attempting to scout this unchartered territory and map the world that these bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa inhabit within us. Their effect on human health will be a major focus of research at the center where investigators will explore microbial imbalances on or within the gut, mouth, respiratory tract and urinary and reproductive systems.
Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center (PEREC)
Researchers at the Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center (PEREC) are using the tools of scientific research, restoration, education, and policy analysis to help society understand and sustain natural processes in ecosystems, watersheds, and landscapes of the Potomac River.
Virginia Climate Center (VCC)
The Virginia Climate Center assists communities in the Commonwealth of Virginia to enhance their resilience to the impacts of climate change and variability.
Extreme heat, flooding, and increased risk of vector-borne disease pose threat to the integrity of Virginia’s infrastructure, economy, and culture. Together with our partners, the VCC aims to create a Commonwealth in which Virginians are prepared and can thrive.