Graduate Research Assistantships
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Graduate Research Assistantships
The majority of Climate Dynamics Doctoral students are supported on graduate research assistantships (GRA). The standard PhD assistantship package includes a stipend of approximately $25,000 per academic year plus tuition and health insurance. GRAs funded during the academic year are usually offered additional summer funding of approximately $8333 depending on availability.
For best chances of funding, students are encouraged to apply by 15 December for admission the following fall semester. Prospective students do not need to identify an advisor or a source of funding, but are encouraged to contact a potential advisor whose research is of particular interest. Applicants are automatically considered for funding from several sources, including:
- GRA funding from individual grants
- Shukla Doctoral Fellowship
- George Mason University Presidential Scholarship
- Graduate Inclusion & Access Scholarship
The list below provides some current and recent GRA opportunities; others may arise throughout the year.