Funding Graduate School
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Section Navigation: Funding Graduate School
Climate Science Masters Fellowship
Two-year award of $10,000/year for a student chosen based on academic merit. Inaugural award Fall 2022.

Graduate Teaching Assistantship
We have a limited number of GRA opportunities for our Climate Science MS students

Shukla Doctoral Fellowship
Annual stipend of $32,500 and tuition awarded to one outstanding full-time student a year. Doctoral applicants are automatically evaluated for the fellowship and chosen based on academic merit and research interests.

Graduate Research Assistantships
Individual faculty members fund stipend and tuition for students working on specific research projects.

Additional Climate and Atmospheric Science Opportunities
American Meteorological Society (AMS) Fellowships
More info about AMS Fellowship here
Deadline: January 1st
NASA Future Investigators in Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST)
Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology
Deadline: February 1st
UCAR Next Generation Fellowships
More Info on UCAR Fellowship here
Deadline: June 30
Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) Fellowship for Doctoral Students
More Info on the EPIC Fellowship here
Deadline: TBD
Sustainability Summer Fellowships for Graduate Research Partnerships
More Info on Sustainability Summer Fellowships here
Deadline: February 15th via Handshake
Weather Program Office (WPO) Innovation for Next Generation Scientists (WINGS) Dissertation Fellowship
Visit WINGS fellowship page for more information
Application Deadline typically in January
Additional GMU funding
Fellowship Funding Databases
National General Science and Technology
Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships
Deadline: December 10
Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowship
Deadline: October 23
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship
Deadline: Nov 2
DoE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship
Deadline: January 13
National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Deadline: October 19
AAUW International Fellowship
More info on International Fellowship here
Deadline: November 15 every year
EPA Research Opportunities Avaliable
*All ORISE opportunities provide a competitive monthly stipend. *
Advanced Vehicle Technology Research Opportunity
Research Opportunity
EPA | Washington, D.C. | Full-Time | DEADLINE: March 11
Air Pollution Modifiers and Health Outcomes Fellowship
EPA | Chapel Hill, NC| Full-Time | DEADLINE: March 1
Air Quality Modeling Fellowship
EPA | Research Triangle Park, NC | Full-Time | DEADLINE: March 1, 2021
Atmospheric Chemical Modeling Fellowship
EPA | Research Triangle Park, NC | Full-Time | DEADLINE: Feb. 15
Aviation Emissions Inventory Modeling and Programming Fellowship
EPA | Ann Arbor, MI | Full-Time | DEADLINE: Feb. 25
Big Data and Environmental Health Risks Fellowship
EPA | Chapel Hill, NC | Full-Time | DEADLINE: March 1
Chemical Toxicity Assessment Internship
EPA | Durham, NC| Full-Time | DEADLINE: Feb. 26
Environmental Economist Fellowship
EPA | Corvallis, OR | Full-Time | DEADLINE: March 1
Groundwater Nanomaterial Fellowship
EPA | Ada, OK | Full-Time | DEADLINE: Feb. 26
Health Effects of Air Pollutants Fellowship
EPA | Research Triangle Park, NC | Full-Time | DEADLINE: March 1
Long-Wave Radiative Effects of Aerosols Fellowship
EPA | Research Triangle Park, NC | Full-Time | DEADLINE: March 1