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Current Doctoral Students

For more information about PhD Programs, see Climate Dynamics Doctoral Program and Earth Science Graduate Program.
The Chandran J. Shukla Fellowship is an endowed fund for academic assistance to Climate Dynamics students.
Recent and Current Dissertation Titles
Abdullah al Fahad
The Influence of Tropical Diabatic Heating and Midlatitude Static Stability on Subtropical Anticyclones
Teresa Cicerone
The Impact of Air-Sea Interactions in the Indian Ocean on MJO Initiation
Ralph Getzandanner (2019)
Mid-Latitude Regime Transitions
Keri Kodama (2019)
Using satellite data and climate simulations to evaluate wind power as an El Nino predictor and the state dependence of Easterly Wind Bursts
Nick Lybarger (2019)
The Effect of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on the Energetics of El Niño
Jiexia Wu (2018)
A new framework for attributing causes of drought demise over CONUS
Amini, Sara (2018)
The Impact of Large-Scale Circulation Regimes on Extreme Weather Over Pacific and North America
Akiko Elders (2019)
Atmospheric Response to Current and Future Arctic Sea ice loss and the Impacts on the Mid-latitudes in CESM-LE
Liang Yu (2019)
Understanding the effects of thermal and momentum forcing on the Atlantic multidecadal variability
Guangyang Fang (2018)
The Seasonal Predictability of Anomalous Events of Tropical Atlantic Variability
Zaiyu Wang (2018)
Understanding the Role of Coupling in Climate Simulations
Priyanka Yadav (2018)
Predictability of Mid-Latitude Circulation due to Interactions with the Madden Julian Oscillation
Mark Scafonas
The Role of Moisture in the Sensitivity of Baroclinic Life Cylec to Warming Conditions
Bohar Singh (2017)
Seasonality of the Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillations: Sensitivity to Mean Background State
Xuelei Feng (2016)
Understanding of global climate variability and climate changes in high-resolution GCM simulations
Emerson LaJoie (2016)
Projected Changes in Internal Variability for Temperature and Precipitation: New Field Significance Tests
Yan Jin (2016)
Simulation of the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) in SP-CCSM4 under Present and Future Climate Conditions
Xiaoqin Yan (2016)
Detecting Anthropogenic Aerosol Cooling in Models and Observations
For all past Climate Dynamics thesis titles, see the Alumni page.