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Alumni Names
[Doctoral Dissertation Title, and Post-Graduate Affiliation Included for Alumni]
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Fahad, Abdullah Al (2020):
"Influence of Tropical Diabatic Heating and Midlatitude Static Stability on Subtropical Anticyclones"
Kodama, Keri (2019):
"The El Nino-Southern Oscillation from an empirical adjusted energetics perspective"
Post-doctoral Research Scientist, George Mason U.
Elders, Akiko (2019):
"Atmospheric response to current and future Arctic sea ice loss and the impacts on the mid-latitudes in CESM-L"
Lybarger, Nick (2019):
"The effect of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on the energetics and prediction of El Nino-Southern Oscillation"
Postdoctoral Researcher, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Getzandanner, Ralph (2019):
"Mid-Latitude Regime Transitions"
Liang Yu (2019):
"Understanding the effects of thermal and momentum forcing on the Atlantic multidecadal variability"
Assistant Professor, Marine Meteorology and GIS Department, Dalian Maritime University, China
Norton, Holly (2018):
"Soil moisture memory (SMM) of karst and non-karst soils"
Postdoctoral Scientist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Wu, Jiexia (2018):
"Drought demise quantification and attribution over CONUS"
Beijing Piesat Information Technology Co. Ltd
Scafonas, Mark (2018):
"The role of moisture in the sensitivity of baroclinic life cycles to warming conditions: a budget of wave activity"
Physics Lab Coordinator, Saint Joseph's University
Guangyang Fang (2018):
"The seasonal predictability of anomalous events of tropical Atlantic Variability"
Postdoctoral Researcher, ESSIC, University of Maryland
Wang, Zaiyu (2018):
"Understanding the role of coupling in climate simulations"
Postdoctoral Researcher, Second Institute of Oceanography, Hanzhou, China
Sara Amini (2018):
"The impact of large-scale circulation regimes on extreme weather over Pacific and North America"
Yadav, Priyanka (2018):
"The character of the mid-latitude response to the fast and slow cycles of the Madden-Julian Oscillation heating"
Postdoctoral researcher, Dept of Geography, U. Delaware
Singh, Bohar (2017)
"Seasonality of the tropical intraseasonal oscillations: Sensitivity to mean background state"
Postdoctoral Researcher, Colorado State U
Srivastava, Abhishekh (2017):
"Decadal predictability in climate models with and without interactive ocean dynamics"
U California, Davis
Jin, Yan (2016):
"Simulation of the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) in SP-CCSM4 under Present and Future Climate Conditions"
George Mason University, AOES
Feng, Xuelei (2016):
"Understanding of global climate variability and climate changes in high-resolution GCM simulations"
Texas A & M University – Corpus Christi
LaJoie, Emerson (2016):
"Projected Changes in Internal Variability for Temperature and Precipitation: New Field Significance Tests"
Atmospheric Scientist, Climate Prediction Center NOAA Affiliate – Innovim, Inc.
Xiaoqin Yan (2016):
"Detecting Anthropogenic Aerosol Cooling in Models and Observations
Princeton/NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
Garuba, Oluwayemi (2015):
"Mechanisms of Ocean Heat Uptake"
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Palipane, Erool (2015):
"Atmospheric General Circulation Changes under Global Warming"
Postdoctoral Scholar, U. California, Davis, Dept. of Land, Air and Water Resources.
Badger, Andrew (2015):
"The Role of Large-Scale Land-Use Change on the Global Climate Response and Sensitivity to Amazon Deforestation"
Research Associate, CIRES (NOAA and University of Colorado Boulder)
Stofferahn, Eric (2015):
"Investigation of Aerosol Effects on the Arctic Surface Temperature During the Diurnal Cycle"
NASA Jet Propulsion Lab
Colfescu, Ioana (2014):
"Attribution of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability to External Forcing, Internal Variability, and Weather Noise"
Research Scientist, Leeds University (UK) National Centre for Atmospheric Science
Hazra, Abheera (2013):
"Seasonal Variations of Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillations"
Post-doctoral associate, University of California, Santa Barbara
Chen, Hua (2013):
"Mechanisms of the Internally Generated Decadal-to-Multidecadal Variability in the Atlantic"
The equivalent of assistant professor, Department of Climate Change, School of Atmospheric Science, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
Nattala, Jyothi (2013):
"El Niño and the Southern Oscillation in Parameterized" & "Super-Parameterized Coupled General Circulation Models"
Senior Research Scientist, SAIC and NASA GSFC GMAO
Swenson, Erik (2012):
“The role of sub-seasonal tropical convective variability for the extratropical response to ENSO”
Post-doctoral Associate, George Mason University, AOES
Krishnamurthy, Lakshmi (2012):
“Influence of decadal variability of global oceans on South Asian monsoon and ENSO-monsoon relation”
COLA (till January 2013); NOAA/GFDL (UCAR Fellow)
Li, Jian (2011):
“SST diurnal variability and its influence on the tropical atmospheric intraseasonal variability
George Mason U. GGS Dept and NOAA/NESDIS
Arsenault, Kristi (2011):
“Impact of Model and Observation Error on Assimilating Snow Cover Fraction Observations”
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Jang, Youkyoung (2011):
“The Atmospheric Influence of Tropical Diabatic Heating Associated with Developing ENSO on Indian Monsoon”
Florida International University
Jia, Liwei (2011):
“Robust Predictability of Regional Climate Change”
Xu, Li (2011):
“Snow-Atmosphere Coupling Strength and its Contribution to Climate Predictability”
Cruz, Carlos (2010): “Global Circulation Variability Induced by Southern Ocean Winds Goddard Space Flight Center/Northrup Grumman Corp"
Feng, Xia (2010):
“Identifying the Predictability of Water cycle by Detecting and Attributing Variability and Change”
George Mason University
Narapusetty, Balachandrudu (2010):
“Impact of Tropical Instability Waves on Atmospheric Boundary Layer”
Achuthavarier, Deepthi (2009):
“Role of the Indian and Pacific Oceans in the Indian Summer Monsoon Variability”
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Pan, Xiaohua (2009):
“The Influence of Mean Climate on the ENSO Simulation and Predictability”
Goddard Earth Sciences and Technology Center, U. Maryland Baltimore County
Fan, Meizhu (2008):
“Low-Frequency Climate Variability in the North Atlantic: Stochastic Forcing and Coupled Response”
Jin, Daeho (2008):
“The Impact of Perfectly Periodic ENSO on the Extratropics”
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami, Miami, FL
Pegion, Kathy (2007):
“Potential Predictability of Tropical Intraseasonal Variability in the NCEP Climate Forecast System”
Assistant Professor, George Mason University, AOES
Feudale, Laura (2006):
“Large Scale Extreme Events in Surface Temperature During 1950-2003; An Observational and Modeling Study”
Physics of Weather and Climate Group, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, Currently University of Trieste
Burgman, Robert (2006):
“Model Studies of ENSO Decadal Variability”
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami, Miami, FL. Currently Assistant Professor, Florida International University
Bates, Susan (2006):
“The Role of the Annual Cycle in Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Variability in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean”
University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Currently NCAR, Ocean Model Working Group Science Liaison
Vikhliaev, Yuri (2005):
“The Role of Ocean Basin Modes in Excitation of North Pacific Decadal Variability”
Global Modeling And Assimilation Office. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
Anderson, Whit (2004):
“Oceanic Sill-Overflow Systems: Investigation and Simulation with the Poseidon Ocean General Circulation Model”
NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ
Manganello, Julia (2004):
“The Influence of Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies on Low-Frequency Variability of the North Atlantic Oscillation”
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies, Calverton, MD
Verona, Mary Ellen (2002):
“The role of Westerly Wind Bursts in the Development of El Nino”
- Deceased
Bamzai, Anjuli (1997):
“Observational and Modeling Study of Snow and Its Relation to the Indian Summer Monsoon”