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Young Astro-Scholars Internship Program: Astronomy Data Analysis and Space Research for NASA Missions

Welcome to the Young Astro-Scholars Internship Program: Astronomy Data Analysis and Space Research for NASA Missions

This summer high school internship program is led by Dr. Peter Plavchan from the College of Science, and from the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University.  The program is an interactive STEM experience where students carry out a cutting-edge research program including the collection of data from the George Mason Observatories, and then analyze that data in support of genuine mission follow-up observations for the NASA TESS mission

Detailed information about the program contents and how to participate can be found here.  For summer 2024, we will be accepting applications for our third cohort.  Please see the above link for more information, and/or email the Schar Executive Education program or Dr Peter Plavchan.


Journal of Astro-Scholars Research (JASR) at George Mason University

The Journal of Astro-Scholars Research (JASR) at George Mason University features original research papers from the Young Astro-Scholars Internship Program.  These papers represent the culmination of a several month long independent student research efforts to collect and analyze real observational astronomy data, and follow through to the rigorous scientific interpretation of the analysis.  

The authors are given some guidance as to the structure and content of their research papers, with no editing provided by Mason faculty and researchers.  The authors are given documentation on how to carry out their analyses, but must independently complete the numerous steps involved with existing software tools.  The data analyzed include data they have themselves collected with the George Mason Observatories Geller Telescope, and archival data not yet analyzed.  All analysis is carried out directly by the scholars with minimal faculty input with an aim to provide genuine research products applicable to the current state of the art in the exoplanet observational astronomy field.  All authors are alphasorted by first (or given) name.

JASR Volume 1

Download Volume 1 (PDF, 24MB)

This inaugural edition of the Journal of Astro-Scholars Research features research papers from the Summer 2023 Cohort.  The summer cohort collected and analyzed real observational astronomy data in support of exoplanet candidate validation of targets from the NASA TESS mission, in coordination with the NASA TESS mission Follow-Up Working Group, Sub-Group 1 focused on ground-based photometric light curve follow-up.  All observations are contributing real constraints on the vetting of candidates from this mission.

Article No.Title (Click for Individual Article PDFs)Primary Lead Author(s)
0ForewardPeter Plavchan
1Ground-based light curve follow-up validation observations of TESS object of interest TOI 3792.01Abigael Ellis
2Ground-based light curve follow-up validation observations of TESS object of interest TOI 5961.01Adam Tong
3Ground-based light curve follow-up validation observations of TESS object of interest TOI 5237.01Allen Riotto
4Ground-based light curve follow-up validation observations of TESS object of interest TOI 5938.01Alan Zeng
5Ground-based light curve follow-up validation observations of TESS object of interest TOI 3506.01Aarushi Kanigicherla
6Ground-based light curve follow-up validation observations of TESS object of interest TOI 3553.01Aarushi Kanigicherla
7Ground-based light curve follow-up validation observations of TESS object of interest TOI 4064.01Cecilia Howton
8Ground-based light curve follow-up validation observations of TESS object of interest TOI 4620.01David Cao, Leo Pich
9Ground-based light curve follow-up validation observations of TESS object of interest TOI 3779.01Estefanía Olaiz
10Ground-based light curve follow-up validation observations of TESS object of interest TOI 5944.01Hanxian Wang
11Ground-based light curve follow-up validation observations of TESS object of interest TOI 5938.01Harisudhan Harish
12Ground-based light curve follow-up validation observations of TESS object of interest TOI 3553.01Jayarsh Singh
13Ground-based light curve follow-up validation observations of TESS object of interest TOI 3792.01Kevin Hu
15TESS object of interest TOI 5463.01 ground-based light curve validationSamantha Lyman
16Ground-based light curve follow-up validation observations of TESS object of interest TOI 3779.01Samuel T. Joseph
17Ground-based light curve follow-up validation observations of TESS object of interest TOI 3616.01Tanush Bhardwaj
18Ground-based light curve follow-up validation observations of TESS object of interest TOI 3576.01Tayba Suphian
19Ground-based light curve follow-up validation observations of TESS object of interest TOI 3737.01 Will Yang
20Ground-based light curve follow-up validation observations of TESS object of interest TOI 4620.01 Zirui Chen
21Ground-based Observations on TESS Exoplanet TOI 5961.01Rishab Seeda, Kabir Gulati
22Ground-based light curve follow-up validation observations of TESS object of interest TOI 5147.01, with V-shaped profile Cindy Xiao, Amanda Xiao

JASR Volume 2 (Authors A -- C)

Click here to download the JASR Volume 2 (hyperlink coming soon to a Drupal Page near you)

Article No.Title (Click for Individual Article PDFs)Primary Lead Author(s)
0ForwardPeter P. Plavchan
1Aadit Abhilash
2Adam Tong
3Adam Vazquies
4Adithi Arvind
5Aditi Burra
6Aiden Guan
7Aiden Wang
8Alex Choi, Nathan Vailikit
9Alex Zhou
10Andrew Kao
11Andrew Zheng
12Andy Jiang
13Andy Wang
14Anirudh Gudishetty
15Atharv Rege
16Brandon Lee
17Brandon Wang
18Camila Gomez
19Charlotte Shi
20Colin Sardilli



JASR Volume 2 (Authors D -- J)

Article No.Title (Click for Individual Article PDFs)Primary Lead Author(s)
21Dakota Jett
22Daphne Valenta
23David Lu
24Ethan Yan
25Evan Papps
26Ezra Kusnadi
27Hannah Roseberry
28Hanseon Lee
29Hanson Huang
30Hogan Wang
31Ivan Zhang
32Jasmine Sindhi
33Joshua Golden
34Justin Kim

JASR Volume 2 (Authors K -- M)

Article No.Title (Click for Individual Article PDFs)Primary Lead Author(s)
35Kalan Warusa
36Kasey Davidson
37Kellan Doré
38Krish Mehra
39Kyle He
40Lauren Daszynski
41Leon Liu
42Lucas Chiang
43Lucy Wang
44Mason Sholtis
45Matthew Kim, Jarod Jiang
46Maxim Wang
47Maya Sompalli
48Michael Telesco
49Mike Wang
50Mikhil Kiran

JASR Volume 3 (Authors A -- Z)

Article No.Title (Click for Individual Article PDFs)Primary Lead Author(s)
1Link coming...Amanda Goya
2Link coming...Amanda Lai
3Link coming...Edward Young
4Link coming...Jessica Li
5Link coming...Joshua Chuang
6Link coming...Kenneth Peng
7Link coming...Mohib Ahmed
8Link coming...Risha Chepuri
9Link coming...Vibby Janardhan

Astro-Scholar Cohorts

Cohorts are listed in reverse chronological order, and them alphabetized by first name.  Only last initials are provided to protect identities. Verification of participation can be provided by contacting Dr. Peter Plavchan (

Summer 2024 Cohort (A -- I)

Aadit A
Adam T
Adam V
Adithi A
Aditi B
Aerin S
Aiden G
Aiden W
Alex Z
Alexander C
Andrew K
Andrew Z
Andy W
Anirudh G
Anton C
Aryan U
Atharv R
Ayyoob S
Brandon L
Brandon W
Bryce B
Camila G
Charlotte S
Christine D
Colin S
Dakota J
Daphne V
David L
Ethan R
Ethan Y
Evan P
Ezra K
Hannah R
Hanseon L
Hanson H
Hogan W
Hongyi Z
Ivan Z

Summer 2024 Cohort (J -- P)

Jarod J
Jasmine S
Jasmine T
Joshua G
Justin K
Kaeden B
Kai H
Kalan W
Kasey D
Katherine H
Kellan D
Krish M
Kyle H
Lauren D
Leon L
Lucase C
Lucy W
Mason S
Matthew K
Maxim W
Maya S
Michael T
Mickey Y
Mike W
Mikhil K
Nairi D
Nate V
Nathan T
Neil M
Nhi N
Nicole L
Nishanth K
Norah M
Pranav S

Summer 2024 Cohort (Q -- Z)

Rutu P
Ruyi S
Ryan H
Ryeen A
Saaketh G
Sangamitra R
Serena H
Siddharth M
Sophia Q
Sriharshini V
Steven L
Thomas O
Varun B
Vincent L
Vynavi T
Yena K
Yifan J
Yufeng D
Yuhan C
Zaara Z

Fall 2023 Machine Learning Cohort (A--Z)


Allyson W
Amanda L
Amanda G
Andre E
Celine S
Edward Y
Eric L
Hyonjin K
James T
Jason N
Jessica L
Joshua C
Kenneth P
Max W
Micayla P
Mohib A
Risha C
Roland Z
Vaibhav J
Vinil T

Summer 2023 Cohort (A -- K)

Aarushi K
Abby E
Adam T
Adiya S
Alan Z
Allen R
Allison S
Amorim H
Anna L
Arjun R
Brandon Y
Cecilia L
David C
Estefania O
Eugene S
Harisudhan H
Hridita C
Isabella C
Janson R
Jayarsh S
Johnny Z
Kabir G
Kevin H
Kevin P

Summer 2023 Cohort (L -- Z)

Leo P
Mark W
Marshall C
Mayuka V
Rishab S
Rohan M
Rowan C
Sailee V
Samantha L
Samuel J
Shlesh S
Sreya E
Surbhi S
Tanush B
Tayba S
William L
William Y
Yaoyang L
Yuxuan J
Zara K
Zirui C

Summer 2022 Cohort (A -- K)

Aahil V
Aaron L
Al W
Alexander D
Alexander M
Amelia Y
Anqi F
Arjun R
Arlen K
Asher D
Ashwin P
Bocheng L
Charlie L
Chienyu S
Chih Kang L
Christine L
Dennis L
Fubo L
Gary W
Jeffrey J
Jerry Y
Jesse W
Joanna M
Jonathan Li
Joshua C
Justin D
Kevin G
Kriti S
Kyle H

Summer 2022 Cohort (L -- Z)

Lawrence H
Leonardo W
Li Yun H
Liming Z
Nathan B
Naziha M
Patrick G
Raymond L
Ruize Y
Ryan M
Shaunak S
Shuohan Z
Steven O
Tianhui W
Tianyi L
Trisha P
William W
Xilong C
Xuanyu C
Zhen L

* The programs and services offered by George Mason University are open to all who seek them. George Mason does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, ethnic national origin (including shared ancestry and/or ethnic characteristics), sex, disability, military status (including veteran status), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, pregnancy status, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law. After an initial review of its policies and practices, the university affirms its commitment to meet all federal mandates as articulated in federal law, as well as recent executive orders and federal agency directives.