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Welcome Back Biology Movie Night!

Friday, September 1st, 4pm
EXPL 3301
Faculty, GTAs, and Students are invited for a movie night, with popcorn, pizza and science!
Our faculty and staff lovingly compiled a list of some favorite Biology themed movie choices.
Make sure to help us choose a movie below!
Make your choice by Sunday 8/27/2023:
Biology Seminar Series - Fall 2023
Typically held on Friday Afternoons-- More Info Coming Soon!
Information for Fall 2022 Biology Seminar Series. In-person events may have food. RSVP required for online/Zoom simulcasts.
Doors open @ 1:30pm
September 8th– 2pm | Coming Soon, GMU
Online | In-Person:
BESTalks - Joint Biology and ESP Seminars
BESTalks - Spring 2023
Information for Biology and ESP's joint seminar series, BESTalks serve as the natural science track of our department's seminar series. In-person events may have food.
Amy Fowler, ESP, GMU
February 10th 3pm-4pm - EXPL 3301 and via ZOOM
Brittany Sutherland, Biology, GMU
March 10th 3pm-4pm - EXPL 3301 and via ZOOM
Zoom: RSVP here
Hallie S. Weiner, University of Maryland, College Park
April 14th 3pm-4pm - EXPL 3301 and via ZOOM
Zoom: RSVP here
Graduate Student Talks
May 12th 3pm-4pm - EXPL 3301 and via ZOOM
Zoom: RSVP here
Tovah Siegel (Luther Lab): “Forest fragmentation effects on mutualistic interactions: Frugivorous birds and fruiting trees”
Jorge Fernandez (Grant Lab): "Pulmonary Matrix Derived Hydrogels from Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Induce a Proinflammatory State in Lung Fibroblasts"
Marcus Chua (Lim Lab): “How many mouse-deer?: Systematics and taxonomy of the chevrotains using traditional and novel approaches”
Darby Pochtar (Fowler Lab): "Does invasion history of parasitic castrators influence low salinity tolerance in an estuarine host