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Fall 2024 AOES Seminars
28 August (CLIM) TBD
29 August (GEOL) GMU Geology Faculty, Lightning Talks
GMU Geology Faculty will give lightning talks introducing themselves, their labs, and current projects
August 29, 2024, 4:30-5:45 pm
Exploratory Hall 1309 and via Zoom (for link, email
4 September (CLIM) Kaye, Earth Science to Action
Co-hosted with George Mason Office of Research
Jack Kaye, NASA
Earth Science to Action: How NASA Views the Earth from Space, Air, and Ground to Advance Science and Inform Decisions
September 4 2024, 1:00-2:30pm
Johnson Center Cinema
Host: Jagadish Shukla
The Office of Research, Innovation, and Economic Impact at George Mason University invites you to attend NASA, Earth, and Space – an event featuring Dr. Jack Kaye, associate director for research of the Earth Science Division within NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, and a panel of faculty who are currently working on NASA-endorsed projects. The event will be held from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. ET on Wednesday, September 4, in the JC Cinema.
Dr. Kaye will share what is currently happening in space exploration and discuss future possibilities. George Mason researchers will then showcase their exemplary NASA-funded research and highlight their work, discuss outcomes, detail the impact of their research, and explain how others can collaborate or successfully apply for funding. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask Dr. Kaye and panelists questions following their remarks.
5 September (GEOL) Ben Kligman, Tetrapod Evolution
Dr. Ben Kligman
Smithsonian Institute, Museum of Natural History
Title: Searching for the hidden origins of living tetrapods in Triassic equatorial Pangaea
September 5th, 2024, 4:30-5:45 pm
Exploratory Hall 1309 and via Zoom (for link, email
11 September (CLIM) [No Seminar this Week]
[No Seminar this Week]
12 September (GEOL) Patrick Fulton, Geothermal & Seismic Systems
Dr. Patrick Fulton
Cornell University, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Department
Title: TBD
September 12th, 2024, 4:30-5:45 pm
Exploratory Hall 1309 and via Zoom (for link, email
18 September (CLIM+GEOL) Gornitz, Cryosphere & Sea-level Rise
Vivien Gornitz, Columbia University
Recent troubling cryosphere trends, sea level rise, and New York City coastal resiliency projects
September 18 2024, 1:30pm
Planetary Hall 224 and via Zoom (for link, email
Host: Luis Ortiz
25 September (CLIM) Maggioni, Precip Satellite Observations
Viviana Maggioni, George Mason University
Can Satellites Help Us Study Precipitation Patterns and Trends?
September 25 2024, 1:30pm
Planetary Hall 224 and via Zoom (for link, email
Host: Luis Ortiz
Precipitation is an essential component of Earth’s hydrologic cycle, one that influences soil moisture, vegetation growth, and streamflow. Investigating rainfall variability in space and time is crucial for sustainable water resources management, for characterizing extremes and their socioeconomic impacts, and for policymaking. This seminar presents the challenges and opportunities of satellite-based observations for studying historical precipitation patterns and trends. Satellites offer a unique perspective to look at water quantity and distribution globally everywhere anytime. Nevertheless, in order to efficiently use satellite-based observations, we need to improve the inherent coarse resolution of satellite-based observations down to finer scales and their accuracy. To address the first limitation, the seminar will present novel approaches to downscale atmospheric and hydrological variables. The gain of this shift is both practical and conceptual: not only the wealth of information generated at the finer scale vastly benefits decision-making processes, but it also allows for the study of physical processes that remain invisible at coarser scales. Estimating precipitation can be complicated by several factors, including complex orography and lack of ground references, among others. Therefore, evaluating the quality and reliability of precipitation data, before analyzing their trends and patterns, is fundamental. A comprehensive assessment of high-resolution satellite-based and model reanalysis precipitation estimates is conducted in some of the most complex regions in the world such as High Mountain Asia and West Africa
26 September (GEOL) Terry Wilson, Antarctic Geology
Dr. Terry Wilson
Ohio State University, School of Earth Sciences
Title: TBD
September 26th, 2024, 4:30-5:45 pm
Exploratory Hall 1309 and via Zoom (for link, email
2 October (CLIM) Delllo, TBD
Kathie Dello, North Carolina State University
Title TBD
October 2 2024, 1:30pm Planetary Hall 224 and via Zoom (for link, email
Host: James Kinte
3 October (GEOL) TBD, TBD
Title: TBD
October 3rd, 2024, 4:30-5:45 pm
Exploratory Hall 1309 and via Zoom (for link, email
October 9 (CLIM) Parish, TBD
Meredith Parish, George Mason University
Title: TBD
October 9 2024, 1:30pm Planetary Hall 224 and via Zoom (for link, email
Host: Xiaojing Du
10 October (GEOL) Brian Jicha, Argon Geochronology
Dr. Brian Jicha
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Geoscience
Title: New dating options: 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of non-traditional minerals
October 10th, 2024, 4:30-5:45 pm
Exploratory Hall 1309 and via Zoom (for link, email
16 October (CLIM) Compo, TBD
Gil Compo, University of Colorado, Boulder
October 16 2024, 1:30pm
Planetary Hall 224 and via Zoom (for link, email
Host: Tim Delsole
17 October (GEOL) Elizabeth Sibert, Marine Mass Extinctions
Dr. Elizabeth Sibert
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Geology & Geophysics
Title: A microfossil history from the bottom of the sea: sharks, fish, mass extinctions, and 85 million years of global change
October 17th, 2024, 4:30-5:45 pm
Exploratory Hall 1309 and via Zoom (for link, email
23 October (CLIM) Kuo, TBD
Yan-Ning Kuo, Cornell University
October 23 2024, 1:30pm
Planetary Hall 224 and via Zoom (for link, email
Host: Erik Swenson
24 October (GEOL) TBD, TBD
Title: TBD
October 3rd, 2024, 4:30-5:45 pm
Exploratory Hall 1309 and via Zoom (for link, email
30 October (CLIM) Mariotti, Short title
Annarita Mariotti, NOAA Climate Program Office
October 30 2024, 1:30pm
Planetary Hall 224 and via Zoom (for link, email
Host: James Kinter
31 October (GEOL) Kimberly Foecke, Human Origins
Dr. Kimberly Foecke
George Mason University, Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Title: TBD
October 31st, 2024, 4:30-5:45 pm
Exploratory Hall 1309 and via Zoom (for link, email
6 November (CLIM + GEOL) Hönisch, Paleo CO2 & Ocean Acidification
Bärbel Hönisch, Columbia University
Title: The ocean record of atmospheric CO2 and seawater acidity
November 6, 1:30pm
Planetary Hall 224 and via Zoom (for link, email
Host: Brittany Hupp
14 November (CLIM) Speiser, Short title
Michel Speiser, International Centre for Earth Simulation
November 14 2024, 1:30pm
Planetary Hall 224 and via Zoom (for link, email
Host: Jagadesh Shukla
14 November (GEOL) Yihang Fang, TBD
Dr. Yihang Fang
Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences
Title: TBD
November 14th, 2024, 4:30-5:45 pm
Exploratory Hall 1309 and via Zoom (for link, email
20 November (CLIM) Dixon, Downscaling Heat
Keith Dixon, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
November 20 2024, 1:30pm
Planetary Hall 224 and via Zoom (for link, email
Host: Luis Ortiz
21 November (GEOL) Alexandra Villa, TBD
Dr. Alexandra Villa
University of Wisconsin-Madison & MARUM University of Bremen
Title: TBD
November 21st, 2024, 4:30-5:45 pm
Exploratory Hall 1309 and via Zoom (for link, email
4 December (CLIM) Bentley, Short title
Alicia Bentley, National Centers for Environmental Prediction
December 4 2024, 1:30pm
Planetary Hall 224 and via Zoom (for link, email
Host: Austin Reed
5 December (GEOL) Sumit Mishra, Genesis of Manganese Deposits
Dr. Sumit Mishra
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Institute of Geology
Title: The genesis of manganese deposits in Jalisco, Mexico: Geological insights and mineralogical signatures
December 5th, 2024, 4:30-5:45 pm
Exploratory Hall 1309 and via Zoom (for link, email