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Our Earth science degrees help prepare you to address the critical scientific issues of our time.
The combination of field and laboratory learning empowers students to contribute to the fields of energy, natural hazards, engineering, environmental remediation, and climate science.

Why Mason Science?
The College of Science at George Mason University blends traditional science education with sought-after programs to prepare students for exciting careers at the cutting edge of interdisciplinary scientific domains.
Office of Student Scholarship, Creative Activities, and Research (OSCAR) helps George Mason students get involved in research and scholarship in AOES and off campus. The Undergraduate Research Scholars Program gives students a research experience under the guidance of a mentor, who can be an AOES faculty member. The OSCAR Federal Work-Study Research Assistantships allows students with demonstrated financial need to be paid to work on a research project with faculty.
Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program (ASSIP)
ASSIP offers summer research internship opportunities for high school seniors and undergraduate freshmen. Acceptance is determined on a competitive basis. Learn more at