Ocean and Climate
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The ocean plays a crucial role in setting both climatological conditions and climate variability in regions across the globe. AOES faculty research a variety of ocean and climate phenomena. Examples include the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which is a coupled ocean-atmosphere mode of climate variability that acts on interannual timescales, disrupting economies around the world by giving rise to flooding and drought. Beyond El Nino, the role of the ocean on climate is most notable on a long timescale, for example, changes in the strength of poleward ocean heat transport.
Ongoing Research Projects (faculty)
Student Opportunities
Student opportunities described below; contact the indicated faculty for details.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Undergraduates may work with faculty on the above research projects, or on projects developed independently by the student, supported by OSCAR or as independent research credits.
Graduate Research Opportunities
Graduates may work with faculty on the research projects with support from a GRA (when available), a College of Science GTA, or a successful Graduate Fellowship.