Paleoclimatology and Paleoceanography Research
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Paleoclimatology and Paleoceanography Research

Paleoclimatology and paleoceanography are cross-disciplinary themes that draw on climate and ocean science from a geological perspective, i.e., as recorded in the Earth’s sedimentary record.
Ongoing Research Projects (faculty)
- Understanding Cloud Feedback and Natural Aerosol Fingerprints to Interpret Past Warm Climate Forcing (Burls)
- Reconstructing Deep Ocean Circulation in a Warmer World (Gilleaudeau, Burls, Hinnov,Remirez, Acosta)
- Marine Black Shales of Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2: Decadal-Resolution Record of Volcanism, Detrital Flux, Ocean Circulation, Productivity, Anoxia and Euxinia (Hinnov, Baddouh)
- Calibrating Elemental and Isotopic Proxies for Ocean Redox and Paleosalinity (Gilleaudeau)
- Paleoclimate Modeling of the Cenozoic Warm periods (Acosta)
- Cretaceous Ocean Dynamics as Recorded in Marine Carbonate Rocks (Gilleaudeau)
- Evolution of the Earth-Moon System, Earth’s Orbital-Rotational Parameters, and Solar System's Fundamental Frequencies via Geologic Inversion (Hinnov)
- Development of Novel Trace Element Paleoproxies in Foraminifera (Hupp)
- Paleogene Carbon and Hydrologic Cycling Recorded in Deep Sea Sedimentary Records (Hupp)
Student Opportunities
Student opportunities described below; contact the indicated faculty for details.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Undergraduates may work with faculty on the above research projects, or on projects developed independently by the student, supported by OSCAR or as independent research credits.
Graduate Research Opportunities
Graduates may work with faculty on the research projects with support from a GRA (when available), a College of Science GTA, or a successful Graduate Fellowship.