Histology Laboratory
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The mission of the Histology Laboratory at George Mason University is to support education and research in histotechniques, histology, and histopathology, serving the departments of Environmental Science & Policy, Psychology (Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience), and Biology, as well as the School of Systems Biology (Molecular and Microbiology).
The laboratory is available for the preparation of non-human tissue samples for histopathological examination by light microscopy to support research on diseases, systematics and taxonomy, physiology, microbiology, molecular biology, or other areas. Graduate and undergraduate students may now take BIOL 508 002, “Selected Topics in Animal Biology: Histotechniques,” offered during the spring semesters. Undergraduate students may also work as volunteers in the laboratory to obtain research experience; by taking BIOL 465 (Histology) and histotechniques while obtaining the BS in Biology degree, they can apply for training at a local hospital to qualify for certification as a Histotechnician, to work in anatomic pathology laboratories to assist in disease diagnosis. Graduate students pursuing MS and PhD degrees or faculty can study the histology of diverse organisms, e.g., sponges, corals, fireworms, bivalves, fishes, arthropods, mice, and rats. Additional equipment located elsewhere on the GMU campus, such as microscopes and laser capture microdissection, can also be used in this research.

The Tissue Processing lab in DKH 3060 has a large fume hood for handling fixed tissue samples, automated tissue processor, embedding center, computer and monitor, dissecting and brightfield compound microscopes, and sample (wet), paraffin block, and histoslide storage areas. DKH 3061 is the Slide Preparation lab, with two microtome work stations, water baths, slide warmers, lab oven and vacuum oven, smaller fume hood and counter space for manually staining the tissue sections, chemical storage, and flammables cabinet.
For more information, contact Dr. Esther Peters.